DesignCalcs 2022.11.0.6323 Release Notes
Build 2022.11.0.6323
Release status - November 30, 2022
To access the latest DesignCalcs installation file, you’ll need to copy the URL info into your browser to download:
During installation, if an issue occurs with the Sentinel Run-Time Environment Installer, cancel the install and go to Installing or Updating the Windows Driver for the Hasp License for steps on how to complete a sentinel hasp installation. Once this is completed, install DesignCalcs again.
For a quick demo of the updates listed below, watch the following video:
New Features
DesignCalcs now exports to Autodesk Inventor. DC-8828, DC-9118
Additional features relating to the Autodesk Inventor export will be expanded over the next several releases. This initial release exports cylindrical shells, hemi heads, torishperical heads, conical heads and conical reducers. For more information, see the page.
DesignCalcs now supports lifting lugs on heads for the following head types: hemispherical, torispherical, ASME F&D and ellipsoidal. DC-7788
The seismic inputs for Fa and Fv now determine seismic loads based on the user input or the greater of the values from the Seismic tables. Previously, these inputs were only used to fill in gaps in the building codes for the more severe site classes E and F where the values were not provided. Therefore, the Fa and Fv values for vessels patched with older versions of DesignCalcs are now set to zero for site classes A, B, C and D as well as new vessels; values from older versions are set for site classes E and F. DC-8966
DesignCalcs uses the greater of the input or values determined by the tables in the building codes. This update affects building codes for 1998 and later.
DesignCalcs now includes ASME B16.11 2021 code changes. DC-9041
The latest code changes specifically affect 9000# socket weld coupling thickness in millimeters and how the software handles these values. For more information, see the page.
Issues Resolved
When running a Zick Analysis, if more than one liquid row is input, the software recognizes the inputs as though only one row exists, and calculates based on the max depth and max liquid density of all rows. If multiple entries exist, an increase in the vessel weight for the operating condition calculations can occur. Previously, multiple liquid inputs for horizontal inputs were resulting in a low liquid weight, which made results unconservative. DC-8871
When closing a Leg form, the following message is now displayed: Please check the localized stresses. NozzlePRO analysis is recommended. DC-9105
A new License Information option within the Help menu has been added, which allows users to see licenses and their location and expiration date information. DC-8906
The DesignCalcs manual is no longer available or displayed in the software. Instead, users can access CEI’s learning management system, the and the CEI Knowledge Base. DC-539