DesignCalcs 2019.8 Release Notes

DesignCalcs 2019.8 Release Notes

Build 2019.8.0.3625

Release status was September 5th, 2019

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If an issue occurs during the install, when trying to lay down the Sentinel Run-Time Environment Installer, please cancel the install and install Sentinel directly from the link below.  Use the Sentinel HASP/LDK - Windows GUI Run-time Installer.  Once this has completed, run the DesignCalcs install again:

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New Features

  • The material changes per Section II, D 2019 (Customary and Metric) for everything except the allowable stress tables, yield tables, and ultimate stress tables, are now implemented.  DC-3939
    1. The TE tables, Mean Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Values, were updated to include the following:
      1. Added new 7Ni values
      2. A broader assignment criteria for Bronze; this reassigned two material lines (C95200) from Copper-Nickel (70Cu-30Ni) and gave four material lines (C68700 and C83600) a MCTE assignment that did not have one before.
      3. A broader assignment criteria for Brass
      4. New assignment criteria for Copper-Nickel (70Cu-30Ni); this reassigned five material lines (C71000 and C72200) from Copper-Nickel (90Cu-10Ni) and gave two material lines (C71500 and C97600) a MCTE assignment that did not have one before.
      5. New assignment criteria for Copper-Nickel (90Cu-10Ni); this gave three material lines (C70400) a MCTE assignment that did not have one before.
    2. The TM tables, Modulus of Elasticity Values, were updated to include the following:
      1. Added 7Ni to the assignment criteria for Material Group B
      2. Removed UNS S38815 from the assignment criteria for Material Group I
      3. Added 14Cr - 16Ni - 6Si - Cu - Mo as an assignment criteria for Material Group I
      4. New C70620 values (identical to C70600 values)
      5. New C71520 values (identical to C71500 values)
    3. Table PRD values, Poisson's Ratio and density Values, were updated to include the following:
      1. Added C70620 and C71520: 0.33, 0.323 lb/(in^3) , 8.94 kg/(mm^3)
    4. Material Notes were updated as follows:
      1. Table 1A, G31 note added for Metric 2019

      2. Table 1A, G32 note added for Metric 2019

      3. Table 1A, H3, redefined note for 2019

      4. Table 1A, H6, redefined Metric note for 2019

      5. Table 1A, H7 removed as active for 2019

      6. Table 1B, W8, redefined note to "DELETED" for 2019.

      7. Table 1B, W16 and W17 removed as active for 2019

      8. Table 1B, T21 added for Metric 2019

      9. Table 2A, H2 redefined for 2019

      10. Table 2A, H7 removed as active for 2019.

      11. Table 5A, H2 and H3 redefined for 2019.

      12. Table 5A, H5 and H6 removed as active for 2019.

  • The export to SolidWorks now supports multiple export options, see SolidWorks Integration for more information.  DC-4012
  • The export to SolidWorks now supports lifting lugs.  DC-3298
  • The export to SolidWorks now supports Saddles.  DC-3256, DC-3563

Issues Resolved

  • An issue was resolved with the seismic calculations and their interaction with the Zick Analysis when a comma was used instead of a period for marking the single digit location.  DC-3152
  • An issue was resolved with a warning message for the L/r ratio for Torispherical heads.  The message was still referencing UG-32(j) for all code years; but the paragraph referenced is now correctly showing UG-32(i) for years 2015 and newer.  DC-4000
  • An issue was resolved in the 3D for saddles with Zick Stiffeners. The value of t1 was used for t2 in the rendering.  DC-4028
  • An issue was found in doing the development for exporting saddles to SolidWorks where the Zick Stiffener corner radii would not export.  The radius was redefined for some cases, mainly channel stiffeners, to work better for the export and remain consistent with the 3D.  DC-4039


  • A message will now appear on the patching of vessels, explaining the process and the bak file creation.  DC-3956, DC-4376
  • The Head MDMT/Misc tab has had the "(f)" removed from the Ignore Appendix 1-4 Strength Penalty checkbox as it was causing some confusion.  DC-3906

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