DesignCalcs 2023.1.0.6540 Release Notes

DesignCalcs 2023.1.0.6540 Release Notes

Build 2023.1.0.6540

Release status - January 26, 2023


To access the latest DesignCalcs installation file, click the following link: https://downloads.thinkcei.com/downloads/DesignCalcs.exe

During installation, if an issue occurs with the Sentinel Run-Time Environment Installer, cancel the install and go to Installing or Updating the Windows Driver for the Hasp License for steps on how to complete a sentinel hasp installation. Once this is completed, install DesignCalcs again.


For a quick demo of the updates listed below, watch the following video:

New Features

  • DesignCalcs now supports the option to customize the wind and seismic load case descriptions as well as the multipliers on the dead load, the wind load, the horizontal seismic load and the vertical seismic load. This provides for a multitude of design scenarios to be supported including the use of ASME BPV VIII, Division 2 load case multipliers and third party spec requirements on multipliers. The default values will remain as the Allowable Stress Design multiplier values. DC-8275, DC-9069, DC-9073

  • Improvements have been made to the drawing of lifting lugs on ASME F&D and Torispherical Heads. DC-9197

  • The DesignCalcs export to Autodesk Inventor has been expanded to include Flat Heads, ASME F&D Heads and Ellispoidal Heads. DC-9138, DC-9139, DC-9249

  • The DesignCalcs export to Autodesk Inventor now launches the application with the Assembly file open. DC-9316

Additional features relating to the Autodesk Inventor export will be expanded over the next several releases. For more information, see the Autodesk Inventor Integration page.

  • The SolidWorks export has now been validated for 2022 SP 5.0. DC-9228


Issues Resolved

  • When running a Tower Analysis, the segmenting procedure for attachment loads and the 20% rule runs correctly. Previously, sometimes duplicate horizontal applied loads occurred in cases where a vessel component was automatically split into smaller components to meet the 20% length requirement for the First Period of Vibration calculation. In most cases this would lead to higher net section bending moments; but in some cases it could result in artificially lower net section bending moments. DC-9150

  • DesignCalcs now runs as expected when very large diameter values for inside of a nozzle are changed or inputted. A message is displayed appear stating the limit. Clicking OK resets the diameter to the max limit that the system allows. DC-7722

  • DesignCalcs now runs as expected when previewing the ASME Flanges report for a flanges on nozzles. Previously, some nozzle descriptions included the “/” character, which caused the system to freeze during the ASME Flange report generation. DC-7700



  • The CEI News feed has been updated. DC-9088

  • Minor changes have been made to the DesignCalcs and NozzlePRO integration to account for the licensing changes required by NozzlePRO. DC-9348

  • Some of the HASP Vendor libraries have been added to the installer. This helps eliminate some troubleshooting cases for getting the software to work with the licensing correctly. DC-9338

  • WebView2 components have been added to the installer. This helps eliminate some troubleshooting cases for getting the CEI News feed to work on certain windows releases. DC-9471

  • Changes have been implemented on the cloud entitlement to better automate expiration dates. CRTN-4533, DC-9265

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