DesignCalcs 2023.6.0.7049 Release Notes

DesignCalcs 2023.6.0.7049 Release Notes

Build 2023.6.0.7049

Release status - June 6, 2023


To access the latest DesignCalcs installation file, click DesignCalcs Download.

During installation, if an issue occurs with the Sentinel Run-Time Environment Installer, cancel the install and go to Installing or Updating the Windows Driver for the Hasp License for steps on how to complete a sentinel hasp installation. Once this is completed, install DesignCalcs again.


For a quick demo of the updates listed below, watch the following video:


New Features

  • DesignCalcs now supports seismic calculations for ASCE 7-22. DC-9080, DC-10074

For more information explaining the methodology, visit Seismic Methodology: ASCE 7-98 and Forward.

  • The hydrostatic test condition now offers the option to use the greater of the calculated test pressure or the design pressure. DC-10235

  • The hydrostatic test condition now automatically calculates the static head from water in the installed orientation. This static head is added to the pressure the user selects for the test condition. DC-4466

  • CEI now has a single-source-of-truth JSON file format that allows CEI products like DesignCalcs to have a seamless integration with other design and FEA software products and their features like Finglow and the Paulin Research Group (PRG) suite. This is still in active development and will be expanded in future releases. DC-10095, DC-10123, DC-10134


Issues Resolved

  • The Tower Analysis, Zick Analysis, Leg, Lug and Support Ring calculations now correctly uses the ambient temperature and the uncorroded dimensions to calculate the allowable axial compressive stress, B, when performing calculations for the hydrostatic test condition. Previously, the software used the design temperature and the corroded dimensions. Ambient is assumed to be 70°F or 20°C. This issue was conservative. DC-10172

  • The Leg, Lug and Support Ring calculations now correctly consider the external corrosion allowance when determining the host cylindrical shell thickness (t), cross-sectional area (A) and section modulus (Z), which are used to determine the maximum general longitudinal tensile and longitudinal compressive stresses in the host shell. If you have an external corrosion allowance, this issue was not conservative. DC-10145

  • The Leg, Lug and Support Ring calculations now correctly consider the external corrosion allowance when determining the host cylindrical shell outside diameter, which is used to determine the maximum general longitudinal compressive stresses in the host shell. This specifically affected the term representing longitudinal stress from external pressure. This issue was conservative. This does not affect the hydrotest condition. DC-10145

  • The Leg, Lug and Support Ring calculations now correctly use the inside diameter, instead of the outside diameter when determining the maximum general longitudinal tensile stresses in the host shell. This specifically affected the term representing longitudinal stress from internal pressure. This issue was conservative. For the hydrotest condition, the new inside diameter is used; for other loading conditions, the corroded inside diameter is used. DC-10145

  • The Leg, Lug and Support Ring calculations now correctly consider the external corrosion allowance when determining the host cylindrical shell outside diameter, which is used to determine the maximum general compressive stresses in the host shell. This issue was conservative. This does not affect the hydrotest condition. DC-10145

  • The CEI News feed has been enabled again. DC-10183

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