Pipe Fittings and Long Weld Necks Dimensional Data

Pipe Fittings and Long Weld Necks Dimensional Data

Pipe Fittings

The dimensional information for coupling data in the DesignCalcs standard data, comes from ASME B16.11.  Here are some important notes:

  • The data is taken from the native dimensions provided by the document.
  • Socket Weld Coupling dimensions come from Table 6.1-2 for Metric and Table 6.1-2C for Customary
  • Threaded Coupling dimensions come from Table 6.1-5 for Metric and Table 6.1-5C for Customary
  • When multiple options are provided, the most conservative is used in the standard data.
  • For Socket Weld couplings, the Socket Bore Dia. B max value is provided as the diameter in the standard data.
  • For Socket Weld couplings, the Socket Wall Thickness C min value is provided as the thickness in the standard data.
  • For Threaded couplings, the inside diameter is assumed as the outside diameter of the same NPS from ASME B36.10M in the standard data.
  • For Threaded couplings, the wall thickness is calculated as one half of the difference of the outside diameter D from B16.11 and the outside diameter from B36.10M.

Long Weld Necks

The dimensional information for long weld neck data in the DesignCalcs standard data, comes from ASME B16.5 and manufacturer published informaton.  Here are some important notes:

  • The data is taken from the native dimensions provided by the document(s) when provided.  If not provided, hard conversions are used to determine the necessary dimensions.
  • B16.5 Tables 8, 11, 14, 16, 18, 20 and 22 are used for Metric.
  • B16.5 Tables II-8, II-11, II-14, II-16, II-18, II-20 and II-22 are used for Customary
  • The inside diameter for the standard data was set to the Welding Neck B value from this data when provided.
  • The inside diameter value for the standard data was set to that provided by Forged Components Incorporated (FCI) information when not provided by B16.5.  See https://forgedcomponents.com/fci-asme-pressure-vessels-connections/ for more information.
  • The thickness provided for the standard data is determined by taking half the difference of the Hub Diameter X, and the Welding Neck Inside Diameter B.
  • The standard data also provides the FCI values directly from their catalogs.  These are denoted with (FCI) in the data.

Notes on Quality

  • A rigorous comparison was made between the customary and metric data.  In this check, a hard conversion was performed going both ways and compared to the soft conversion inherit in the standard for a range of acceptable error.
  • A rigorous comparison was made between the B16.5 data and the FCI data.  In this check the thickness provided by FCI was checked to be against the calculated thickness for B16.5.  Likewise, the inside diameter was checked.
  • These dimensions are checked against automated tests with every build of DesignCalcs.

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