DesignCalcs 2023.5.0.6912 Release Notes

DesignCalcs 2023.5.0.6912 Release Notes

Build 2023.5.0.6912

Release status - May 9, 2023


To access the latest DesignCalcs installation file, click DesignCalcs Download.

During installation, if an issue occurs with the Sentinel Run-Time Environment Installer, cancel the install and go to Installing or Updating the Windows Driver for the Hasp License for steps on how to complete a sentinel hasp installation. Once this is completed, install DesignCalcs again.


For a quick demo of the updates listed below, watch the following video:

New Features

  • DesignCalcs now supports wind calculations for several additional building codes. DC-1338, DC-9400

    • CBC 2016

    • CBC 2019

    • CBC 2022

    • IBC 2018

    • IBC 2021

    • ASCE 7-22

Note: For more information explaining the methodology, visit Wind Methodology: ASCE 7-98 and Forward.

  • DesignCalcs now supports seismic calculations for several additional building codes. DC-2668

    • CBC 2016

    • CBC 2019

    • CBC 2022

    • IBC 2018

    • IBC 2021

For more information explaining the methodology, visit Seismic Methodology: ASCE 7-98 and Forward.

  • You can now enter orthogonal loading values for both wind and seismic cases simultaneously. DC-9672

Note: The user can enter a fractional load that they want acting simultaneously in the orthogonal direction with the main wind and lateral seismic loads. For example, if the user wants to have a 30% orthogonal seismic load acting simultaneously with the main load, then the user would enter “0.30.” This new value defaults to zero and may range from zero to 1. These values may be input independently of each other, so wind may have zero while seismic has 0.30 and so on. This new input is an additional load and does not diminish the main load. For horizontal saddle supported vessels, the software determines the worst case for applying the full load in the longitudinal direction and the orthogonal load in the transverse direction and vice versa. For vertical vessels supported on skirts, legs, support rings or support lugs, a resultant load is determined from the vectors and that resultant load is used. This is only supported for User Defined Wind and Seismic codes and for building codes that are ASCE 7-98 and later.

  • DesignCalcs now supports a general stress check on the pressure envelope for vertical vessels supported by Support Lugs and Support Rings. Previously, only the structural steel was checked. This includes consideration for internal pressure/vacuum, weight, horizontal wind, horizontal and vertical seismic cases. DC-6488

  • The hydrostatic test condition now includes the option to limit Pm to 0.9Sy. When this is checked, primary tensile stress checks in the Zick Analysis, Tower Analysis, Leg, Lug and Support Ring calculations for the pressure envelope will be compared against max(S , 0.9Sy)E instead of SE. “E” represents the girth seam efficiency and “S” represents the allowable stress at ambient. The “Sy” represents the yield at ambient temperature. Ambient is assumed to be 70 °F (20 °C). This new option is displayed in the Vessel window in the Wind and Seismic tabs. The software defaults the value to an unchecked status. DC-10055

  • DesignCalcs now supports the ability to export lifting lug designs in NozzlePRO. Type 1 and Type 2 lifting lugs can be exported for hosts that are cylindrical shells, hemispherical heads, ellipsoidal heads, ASME F&D and torispherical heads. This supports the option with or without repads. DC-9827.


Issues Resolved

  • The Tower Analysis now correctly uses the circumferential joint efficiency when determining the allowable tensile stress. Previously, the software calculated the longitudinal joint efficiency. This update may cause an increase in your tensile stress ratios. DC-10055

  • The Tower Analysis and Zick Analysis now correctly uses the cold allowable stress value instead of the hot allowable stress value when performing calculations for the hydrostatic test condition. DC-10055

  • The Lifting Lug form now correctly uses the host component density as the density for the host when the host is using an “unlisted material.” DC-10157

  • The CEI News window no longer displays in DesignCalcs if they are active on the same monitor. DC-9768

  • Wind and Seismic input information is no longer showing up in the leg load case permutations that do not consider Wind and Seismic loads. DC-10031

  • The nozzle report no longer displays an error for certain cases with a repad made from a custom material. DC-7407

  • A cylindrical shell per the ASME Section VIII Division 2 code no longer gives the user a warning message about needing dimension L in certain cases when external pressure is not considered. DC-9290



  • The CEI News feed has temporarily been disabled to due to an incompatibility with certain server OSs. DC-10251

  • The wind and seismic information blocks for the leg reports have been altered to be more clear in purpose. For load cases that do not consider wind or seismic loadings, the blocks now clarify that the message displayed in the software pertains to the load case and not the overall design. For example, a case without wind now states, “No Wind Load Calculations were performed for this load case” instead of “No Wind Load Calculations were performed.” DC-10031

  • The Heat Exchanger Conditions tab no longer adds a condition row with the down arrow. A user may still add a condition row with the + button on the toolbar. DC-9280

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