DesignCalcs 2022.2 Release Notes

DesignCalcs 2022.2 Release Notes

Build 2022.2.0.5930

Release status was February, 10 2022

To download the latest version of DesignCalcs, visit https://downloads.thinkcei.com/downloads/DesignCalcs.exe.


If an issue occurs during the install, when trying to lay down the Sentinel Run-Time Environment Installer, please cancel the install and follow the Sentinel Hasp Installation steps in the article below. Once this has completed, run the DesignCalcs install again:

Installing or Updating the Windows Driver for the Hasp License Key




New Features

  • The Cone-to-Cylinder Analysis now has the updates to the 2021 Edition of ASME Section VIII, Division 1 Appendices 1-5 and 1-8. DC-6995

  • The Cone-to-Cylinder Analysis now allows for different longitudinal efficiency values to be input for the internal pressure and external pressure cases. This allows the user to not have to be overly conservative by picking the lower value. The Ext Pressure Case values default to the 100% for small end junctions under external pressure. Since this is a new input and in the past it used the one value for both internal pressure and external pressure, you may see a reduction in the required area for small ends. DC-6995

  • The Cone-to-Cylinder Analysis now defaults the cylinder longitudinal joint efficiency to 100% for large end junctions under internal pressure to take advantage of language in the Appendix 1-5. You may see a reduction in the required area for large ends. DC-6995

  • The Cone-to-Cylinder Analysis now allows for the designation of external pressure case design temperature for the ring. This allows the user to not force the internal pressure case and the external pressure case to use the higher of the two values for the ring and therefore penalize the design for cases where one condition has a lower temperature. DC-6995.

  • The Cone-to-Cylinder Analysis now allows the user to have more options when determining the value of A in the line of support calculations. The user may decide to use natural log based interpolation instead of straight line interpolation. In addition the user may decide to determine the value of A for themselves and input it directly. DC-6995

  • The user can now also input the distance to the further part of the cone to cylinder junction reinforcing ring cross-section to check for compliance. DC-6995

  • The Cone-to-Cylinder math will now base the ring limits on the outside dimensions when the junction is not checked for internal pressure. This provides a small advantage to the designer. DC-6995

  • The Cone-to-Cylinder math will now run the method even when the value of QS or QL is negative. It then uses the absolute value of this in the subsequent equations. If these values are negative, the case being checked will fail as it is out of scope for the method; however, this allows the designer the ability to review the report and make more effective decisions. DC-6995

  • The Cone-to-Cylinder math now determines to versions of the required areas when a ring is present: ArL (no ring) and ArL for the large end and ArS (no ring) and ArS for the small end. The reason for this is that the use of a ring may increase the value of required area by presenting a value of k greater than 1. The no ring required areas set k to 1 while the others use the calculated k value. To pass the reinforcement check for the small end, one of the following must be true: [ArS (no ring) >= AeS OR [ArS + As >= AeS]. To pass the reinforcement check for the large end, one of the following must be true: [ArL (no ring) >= AeL OR [ArL + As >= AeL]. DC-6995

  • The Cone-to-Cylinder math will now allow the user to input a ring centroid distance that exceeds the centroid limit. This may fail the design depending on the necessity of the ring and the scenarios being evaluated; but in either case this allows the designer the ability to review the report and make more effective decisions. DC-6995



Issues Resolved

  • Some issues were resolved with the cone-to-cylinder analysis with the re-write:

    • The software did not include the change in the calculations for the case where a cylinder was not present or the cylinder was not long enough to be considered. This possibility is now handled. To support this, the additional inputs for the cone longitudinal efficiency (Int P and Ext P), the cylinder length, and the new “Consider Cylinder” options have been added to remedy this.

    • The material properties were based on the internal pressure temperatures for the external pressure case. This issue probably had no effect or a conservative effect based on common use of the software. However if the design temperature for the external pressure case was higher than the design temperature for the internal pressure case, then the error was not conservative. Now the material properties for the external pressure case are determined based on the appropriate design temperatures. DC-6995

    • The required length of the cylinder to be considered is now properly calculated based on outside dimensions for the external pressure case. DC-6995

    • The longitudinal efficiency was defaulting to the girth seam efficiency instead of the shell longitudinal efficiency. This would likely be lower than the the longitudinal efficiency value of the shell and was therefore unnecessarily conservative. DC-6995

    • The k value in the equation math now can have different values for the internal pressure case and the external pressure case based on the fact that the material properties can be determined at different temperatures. In addition the shown equation for k is now explicit that it is the max of the quotient or 1.0000. DC-6995

    • The Cone-to-Cylinder math will now uses the code approximation 0.78 instead of pi/4 for the available area calculations to better match the code. This provides a small disadvantage to the designer. DC-6995

    • The term Lf was removed from the method, to make the explicit equations match verbatim with code. The has zero effect on the results. DC-6995

    • The Ds and DL terms are now correctly tied to the cone geometry instead of the cylinder geometry for use in Appendix 1-8 reinforcement calculations. DC-6995

    • The units for the ring cross sectional area, As, were incorrectly show as a length instead of an area. DC-6995

  • An issue was resolved on the Tubesheet Conditions grid for the determination of the Tubesheet Extension Stress value. Adding new rows was not populating the value and was instead leaving it blank. DC-5646




  • The default code year for new vessels is now 2021.  DC-7934

  • The about screen was updated to say "through 2021 Edition".  DC-7934

  • The about screen copyright now goes through 2022.  DC-7934

  • Selecting the 2021 code year no longer requires a confirm from the user or makes a statement about the year being in active development. DC-7934

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