DesignCalcs 2020.3 Release Notes

DesignCalcs 2020.3 Release Notes

Build 2020.3.0.4146

Release status was March 25th, 2020

DesignCalcs Download

If an issue occurs during the install, when trying to lay down the Sentinel Run-Time Environment Installer, please cancel the install and install Sentinel directly from the link below. Use the Sentinel HASP/LDK - Windows GUI Run-time Installer. Once this has completed, run the DesignCalcs install again:

Sentinel Downloads


New Features

  • SA-105 Normalized has been added as its own material selection. It defaults to MDMT curve B for all code years. DC-5235

  • A direct reference option has been added to Rated Flanges. This is a new feature. This will allow the designer to to select the year of B16.5 and B16.57 that they wish to use for evaluating the rated flange. If the user wishes to stick with the year set by the the code year they have selected for ASME Section VIII Divison 1 or Division 2, they will simply leave the selection as “Per Table U-3/Table 1.1”. The default selection for patched vessels from 2020.2 and older and also for brand new vessels will be “Per Table U-3/Table 1.1”. If you need access to this new feature, to make use of a code case for instance, please contact your CEI account manager. DC-5348

  • The customer name and location fields in the vessel screen and cover page information screens, have had their sizes increased to accommodate longer names. They both now support sixty characters. DC-5409


Issues Resolved

  • An issue was resolved for the membrane stress only option in WRC-107 for hosts that are heads. The issue is that the stress intensity was still considering the bending stress even though it appeared to be zeroing it out. This is unlikely to cause any designs to go from passing to failing; but it may bring some designs into passing that were failing with the issue active. DC-4227

  • In the Rated Flange form, the Pressure Temperature screen has been updated to resolve the B16.5 2017 and the B16.47 1996 column headers being mixed up. This did not affect anything besides this screen itself and there is no change in the math for any Rated Flange evaluations as a result of this. DC-5397

  • An issue was corrected in the shell selection screen for the cone to cylinder analysis. The issue is that sometimes the same shell would appear more than once. DC-5307