DesignCalcs 2018.7 Release Notes
DesignCalcs 2018.7 Release Notes
Build 2018.7.0.2438
Release status was October 17, 2018
New Features
- A revision was made to the algorithm for matching yield and ultimate stress lines to allowable lines. This has now provided yield and ultimate matches to hundreds of allowable lines that previously did not have them. If your material selection is affected by this, you are likely to see a change in yield an or ultimate stress values used. As good engineering practice, the algorithm allowed yield/utlimate lines that came about in later years to match to older allowable stress lines; for example a 2010 allowable may use a yield line that did not come about until 2017 in Section II, D. DC-2143, DC-2144, DC-2157, DC-2163, DC-2164
Issues Resolved
- An issue was resolved in the Appendix 2 Flange form that was preventing the save of the component after the Pass Partition Gasket browser was opened and closed, whether a selection was made or not. DC-2149
- An issue was resolved in the D1 Nozzle form that caused DesignCalcs to lock up when the pipe browser was used to select a pipe size and schedule that did not meet UG-45 requirements. Correcting this lock up by killing the process would sometimes not release the license. DC-2158
- An issue was resolved in the D2 Nozzle form that prevented entering negative values for Pressure, Static Head, and Temperature on in the Loading Conditions. DC-2019
Division 2 Nozzle Report Clean up Issues Resolved
- DC-2126: D2 Nozzle report clean up on Nozzle Material description on first page to not cross over onto the border.
- DC-2125: D2 Nozzle report clean up on JE values shown on first page to always show two decimal places.
- DC-2127: D2 Nozzle report clean up on first page to remove corrosion allowances.
- DC-2128: D2 Nozzle report clean up on first page to make the displayed precision for pressure, static head, Sn and S, consistent between designs of the same set of units.
- DC-2104: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the displayed neck undertolerance at the top of the dimensions section to show four decimal places in Metric.
- DC-2063: D2 Nozzle report clean up on tnmin, removing unecessary * and extending undertolerance to show four decimal places in Metric.
- DC-2071: D2 Nozzle report clean up on Rn, removing unecessary *
- DC-2072: D2 Nozzle report clean up on Corroded Dn, removing unecessary *
- DC-2065: D2 Nozzle report clean up on L41 corroded to show the calculation.
- DC-2066: D2 Nozzle report clean up on L42 corroded to remove the shown calculation.
- DC-2067: D2 Nozzle report clean up on L43 corroded to remove the shown calculation.
- DC-2105: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the displayed host undertolerance at the top of the host dimensions section to show four decimal places in Metric.
- DC-2073: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the tnloads equation. The n in Dn was made into a subscript. The shown precision of P was change to two decimal places for Customary and four for Metric. The shown precision of Sn was changed to zero decimal places for Customary. The shown precision of En was change to two decimal places for Customary. The "new" case for Dn was still showing the corroded value.
- DC-2083: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the shown substitution of Di in the Di/t scope check at the beginning of the Pressure Area section. For "new" cases it was still showing the corroded value.
- DC-2084: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the shown substitution of Di in the Reff calculation. For "new" cases it was still showing the corroded value.
- DC-2074: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the displayed equation for LR. For "new" cases, the values of t, tn and Rn were still showing their corroded values. The comma in the min statement was moved over to make it more obvious. An uneccesary * was removed. More space was made under the radical in the numerical substitution to allow for bigger numbers to display properly.
- DC-2075: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the displayed equation for LH1. For "new" cases, the values of t, tn and Rn were still showing their corroded values. The comma in the min statement was moved over to make it more obvious. An uneccesary * was removed. More space was made under the radical in the numerical substitution to allow for bigger numbers to display properly.
- DC-2076: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the displayed equations for LH3 and LI3. For "new" cases, the value of t was still showing the corroded value. An uneccesary * was removed.
- DC-2090: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the displayed equations for LI1. For "new" cases, the values of tn and Rn were still showing their corroded values.
- DC-2077: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the displayed equations for frn and frp to remove unnecessary shown precision for S and Sn in Customary units, to show 1 as 1.0000 in all cases and to show the results in four decimal places for Metric.
- DC-2078: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the displayed A5a equation to show the calculation.
- DC-2091: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the displayed A5b equation. For "new" cases the value of tn was showing it's corroded value. Removed an uneccesary *.
- DC-2079: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the displayed equations for teff. For "new" cases, the values of tn and t were still showing their corroded values. The value of frp now shows four decimal places in Metric. An * was needed between the values of A5 and frp.
- DC-2080: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the displayed equations for lambda. For "new" cases, the values of Rn, tn and Di were still showing their corroded values. The value of 12.0 now displays as 12.0000 in all cases. The result now shows four decimal places for Metric.
- DC-2081: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the displayed A1 equation. For "new" cases the value of t was showing it's corroded value. Removed an unecessary *. Replaced the set of || with []. The value of lambda now shows four decimal places in Metric. The value of 1 now displays as 1.0 in both sets of units.
- DC-2082: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the displayed A2 equation. For "new" cases the value of tn was showing it's corroded value. Replaced a + with a *.
- DC-2083: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the displayed A3 equation. For "new" cases the value of tn was showing it's corroded value.
- DC-2093: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the displayed A41 and A43 equations. For "new" cases the value of L41 was showing it's corroded value in the A41 calculation. Removed an unnecessary * in each.
- DC-2092: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the displayed A42 equation to show the calculation.
- DC-2094: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the displayed AT equation to show four decimal places for the frn and frp values for Metric units.
DC-2096: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the displayed Rxn equation. For "new" cases the values of Rn and tn were showing their corroded values in the calculation. - DC-2097: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the displayed fN equation. For "new" cases the values of t was showing its corroded values in the calculation. The P value was changed to show two decimal places in Customary and four decimal places in Metric.
- DC-2108: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the displayed fS equation. The P value was changed to show two decimal places in Customary and four decimal places in Metric.
- DC-2109: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the displayed fY equation. The P value was changed to show two decimal places in Customary and four decimal places in Metric. A necessary * was missing between the values of Rxs and Rnc; it has been added.
- DC-2110: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the displayed sigma-avg equation to reduce the precision of the result to zero decimal places in Customary and two decimal placs in Metric.
- DC-2111: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the displayed sigma-circ equation to reduce the precision of the result to zero decimal places in Customary and two decimal placs in Metric. The P value was changed to show two decimal places in Customary and four decimal places in Metric.
- DC-2112: D2 Nozzle report clean up on displayed PL equation to reduce precision shown for sigma-avg and sigma-circ values in Customary to zero decimal places. A * was removed from between * and the symbol for sigma-avg. A * was missing between the 2 and the value of sigma-avg; it is now showing correctly.
- DC-2113: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the displayed Sallow equation. The precision of the values of S, Sn, and the result were reduced to zero decimal places in Customary. Removed an unnecessary * in the symbolic equation. For Customary units, the value of E was reduced to two decimal places.
- DC-2114: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the displayed PL to Sallow check. The values of PL and Sallow were reduced to zero decimal places in Customary.
- DC-2115: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the displayed AP equation. In the 2011 and newer version of the equation, the P value was changed to show two decimal places in Customary and four decimal places in Metric. In the 2010 version of the equation, an unecessary + and two unecessary * were removed. In the 2010 version of the equation, the H and R symbols were made into subscripts. In the 2010 version of the equation, the form was shown over two lines instead of one to give more space for the result to display.
- DC-2116: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the displayed Pmax1 equation. The value of Sallow was reduced to zero decimal places in Customary. The result was changed to two decimal places for Customary and four for Metric.
- DC-2098: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the displayed Pmax2 equation. Additional space was added between "S" and "(". The value of S was reduced to zero decimal places in Customary. The result was changed to display two decimal places in Customary and four in Metric. For "new" cases the values of t was showing its corroded values in the calculation.
DC-2117: D2 Nozzle report clean up on the displayed Pmax equation and the P to Pmax check. All the displayed values and results were changed to two decimal places in Customary and four in Metric. - DC-2118: D2 Nozzle report clean up Weld detail section. The label "Table 4.2.10 Detail Requirements" was added.
- DC-2119: D2 Nozzle report clean up rmin equation. This equation can appear twice, once for the new case and once for the corroded case. The value of 0.1250 now shows as four decimal places in Customary. The value of 3.00 now shows as two decimal places in Metric. An unnecessary * was removed.
- DC-2120: D2 Nozzle report clean up L41T (weld detail) equation. This equation can appear twice, once for the new case and once for the corroded case. An unnecessary * was removed.
- DC-2121: D2 Nozzle report clean up tc equation. This equation can appear twice, once for the new case and once for the corroded case. The value of 0.2500 now shows as four decimal places in Customary. The value of 6.00 now shows as two decimal places in Metric. An unnecessary * was removed.
- DC-2099: D2 Nozzle report clean up Ltau equation. For "new" cases the values of Rn and tn were showing their corroded values in the calculation. Two unecessary * were removed.
- DC-2100: D2 Nozzle report clean up L41T (weld strength) equation. For "new" cases the value of L41 was showing its corroded value in the calculation. An unecessary * was removed.
- DC-2122: D2 Nozzle report clean up L42T and L43T(weld strength) equations. The values of L42 and L43 now show four decimal places for Customary and two for Metric. An unecessary * was removed.
- DC-2101: D2 Nozzle report clean up fwelds equation. For "new" cases the values of Rn was showing its corroded value in the calculation. Some unnecessary * were removed and some spacing was adjusted. The units were changed from lb to lbf for Customary. The precision of A2 and A3 were changed to show two decimal places in Metric. The show precision of ky was changed to one decimal place for all cases. The y subscript for fy is now capitalized. The shown precision for P is now four decimal places for Metric.
- DC-2102: D2 Nozzle report clean up tau equation. For "new" cases the values of tw1 was showing its corroded value in the calculation. The result now shows zero decimal places in Customary and two decimal places in Metric. The value of tw1 now shows four decimal places in Customary and two in Metric.
- DC-2123 and DC-2140: D2 Nozzle report clean up tau to S check. The values of tau and S now show zero decimal places in Customary and four two decimal places in Metric. The inequality was not changing to tau > S when it was Not Acceptable; that is now fixed.
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