DesignCalcs 2022.7.0.6065 Release Notes

DesignCalcs 2022.7.0.6065 Release Notes

Build 2022.7.0.6065

Release status - July 27, 2022


To access the latest DesignCalcs installation file, click the following link: https://downloads.thinkcei.com/downloads/DesignCalcs.exe

During installation, if an issue occurs with the Sentinel Run-Time Environment Installer, cancel the install and go to Installing or Updating the Windows Driver for the Hasp License for steps on how to complete a sentinel hasp installation. Once this is completed, install DesignCalcs again.

For a quick demo of the updates listed below, watch the following video:

New Features

  • The Supplemental Calculations option for External Loads on Rated Flanges has been updated to include the option to select the 2020 versions of B16.5 and B16.47.

    • Additionally, several small changes have been made to the user interface to clarify the intent of the fields (e.g. adding units to the G input). DC-7657

  • The cone-to-cylinder analysis can now be created for cylinders meant for vacuum only cases. DC-8427

  • The cone-to-cylinder analysis now allows for the internal pressure case and the external pressure case to have their own unique lineal axial load inputs. These two inputs replace the individual input that was listed on the Pressure/Load tab. Each input now has a greater maximum input and allows for two decimal places of precision. DC-8324

    • The pressure case and external pressure case values now default to zero for new designs. Designs that were created in earlier versions now have these values set in the following way. The internal pressure value is now set to the previous single input if (Internal Pressure + Static Head) is greater than zero; otherwise, it is set to zero. Additionally, the external pressure value is set to the previous single input if the external pressure value is greater than zero; otherwise it is set to zero. DC-8324

  • The cone-to-cylinder analysis report for the 2021 code year and later now displays data for the delta equation when it is limited to 30 degrees for internal pressure cases and 60 degrees for external pressure cases. DC-8234


Issues Resolved

  • The Set-In studded outlet math for determining the A for the Compact Reinforcement cases (Appendix 1-7) now uses the 2/3 multiplier, and the system now correctly analyzes an area of reinforcement for a design. DC-8376

  • The Set-In studded outlet math for determining A5 cases now correctly accounts for the area removed for the stud holes, and the system now correctly analyzes an area of reinforcement for a design. DC-7936

  • The Set-In studded outlet math for determining the load strength of the groove weld now correctly defaults the value to zero, and the system now correctly analyzes the weld strength of a design. DC-8376

  • The Supplemental Calculations (External Loads on Rated Flanges and Half Pipe Jackets) now function properly for all users, including cloud users. DC-8291

  • All columns, including the Yield and Ultimate columns, now display in the Most Recent Materials grid. DC-8351

  • All columns, including the Yield Entered and Ultimate Entered columns now display in the Custom Materials grid. DC-8467



  • The internal pressure and static head values in the cone-to-cylinder analysis now default to the larger of that of the cone and the cylinder if those values differ. Previously, this was set to the lower value. DC-8427

  • The CEI news implementation changes have been made and display in the background of the system. DC-6518

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