DesignCalcs 2017.1 Release Notes
DesignCalcs 2017.1 Release Notes
New Features
- ASME Section VIII, Division 2 calculations will start to be rolled out over the next several releases. The option to select Division 2 now exists and can be selected in the vessel screen. The code cannot be changed like the code year can; it will be locked in as soon as the vessel is saved. An informative note to the the user will appear, when Div 2 is selected, letting them know that it is in active development. All vessels created in 2017.0 and older versions will be set to Div 1 and locked to that code. DC-801
- Division 2 vessels in this release will still use tables 1A and 1B for allowable stress while development continues. The cylinder internal pressure calculations per are available for review in this release. DC-688
- 2017 code changes will start to be rolled out over the next several releases. The option to select 2017 now exists and can be selected in the vessel screen. An informative note to the the user will appear, when 2017 is selected, letting them know that it is in active development. The default code year will remain 2015 until closer to the end of 2017 or the beginning of 2018. DC-801
- The 2017 code change for triggering compact reinforcement calculations per Appendix 1-7(a) is now in place. This change only only affects SI units (Metric vessel setting). The trigger points for 1500 mm changed to 1520 mm, 1000 mm became 1020 mm and 510 mm became 510 mm. This change is only for the 2017 code year and future years, so you may see these calculations in an older vessel that will not longer show them when switched to 2017. This affects both nozzles and studded outlets in cylinders. DC-802
- While the 2017 material changes are being reviewed and implemented, the 2015 materials will be used for 2017. DC-996, DC-997
- Studded outlets can now be added to hemispherical heads. Note that the 3D is a rough approximation for this release. DC-794
- Studded outlets can now be added to ellipsoidal heads. Note that the 3D is a rough approximation for this release. DC-796
- Studded outlets can now be added to torispherical heads. Note that the 3D is a rough approximation for this release. DC-795
- UW-16(k) / Partial Penetration nozzle attachment details now have the option to ignore the inserted depth as reinforcement. Nozzle patched from 2017.0 and older will default to take the insert depth as reinforcement. New nozzles will default to not take the insert depth as reinforcement. DC-916
Issues Resolved
- An issue was resolved in the pipe cap component that would sometimes not flag the component as failing when the ellipsoidal head calculations were governing. The MAWP and calculations were all coming out correct; but the flag was incorrect. DC-873
- An issue was resolved in the nozzle math for value tb2 in a blind flange. Before the S value used was based on the temperature at internal pressure and the Wm1 value was based on internal pressure instead of Wm1 using the external pressure as though it were internal pressure. The cases where this fix may increase nozzle thickness are uncommon. However, this would most likely occur in cases of vacuum only vessels. DC-633
- An issue was resolved that prevented the user from inputting the Cf value for several wind codes. In addition, the default value was updated from 0.7 to 0.9 based on customer input. DC-875
- An issue was resolved in the nozzle math for the determination of A1. The value of Lpar used to determine A1 was incorrectly using the new Rn instead of the corroded Rn. This bug was a conservative one in that it artificially reduced A1 in certain cases. DC-512
- An issue was resolved in the Appendix 2 flange report that would sometimes show an incorrect Flange MAWP and weight depending on print order and if the component had been opened before the report was run or not. The other math and pass/fail status was not affected. DC-488
- An issue was resolved in the head status and confirm save pop up that made it hard to read a note relating to Appendix 1-4(f) calculations. DC-805
- An issue was resolved in the Thin Walled EJ reports that would sometimes allow values to show differently if the component was not opened before the report was run. DC-500
- An issue was resolved in the head form that would show a non-sense label on a field until the first close and reopen of the form. DC-578
- An issue was resolved in the display of the t value in the cylinder Pa1 and Pa2 thick walled external pressure equations. The issue was that the displayed value did not properly reduce for undertolerance if pipe was selected. This affected the Pa1 and Pa2 displayed results; but the Pa value was still properly accounting for the undertolerance and the rating of the component was not affected by the bug. DC-586
- An issue was resolved in the studded outlet form that was preventing changes from the nozzle path to persist through a form close. DC-945
- As part of the Appendix 1-7(a) trigger change for 2017 (see New Features), we found and fixed an issue that was triggering the 1-7(a) calculations incorrectly for Studded Outlet. For studded outlet, the calculations were triggered in SI units (Metric vessel setting) based on a hard conversion of the Customary values instead of the soft conversion required by the code. This affected all code years and is now resolved. DC-802
- With the addition of Division 2 calculations in DesignCalcs, the concept of code and code year have been separated into two selections.
, multiple selections available,
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