DesignCalcs 2019.3 Release Notes
DesignCalcs 2019.3 Release Notes
Build 2019.3.0.2978
Release status was March 28th, 2019
If an issue occurs during the install, when trying to lay down the Sentinel Run-Time Environment Installer, please cancel the install and install Sentinel directly from the link below. Use the Sentinel HASP/LDK - Windows GUI Run-time Installer. Once this has completed, run the DesignCalcs install again:
New Features and Issues Resolved Wind (DC-116)
- DesignCalcs now supports Wind Loading determination per ASCE 7-16 and this is now the default wind code.
- For wind loading, the user may have more control on the coefficients affecting the load, including the Gust Factor, and other values like Kd, Kzt, Cf, Ke, and I. In several cases, this now allows direct input of the values, in the other cases; in addition, the limits of the inputs were removed and warnings will let the user know if the input is outside recommended ranges when saving the vessel form.
- The Gust factor is still calculated for empty and operating cases for Tower Analysis.
- Ke is a brand new factor added for 7-16.
- The user can no longer input a Exposure Category of A for any year except for 1998.
- The minimum wind pressure was corrected for ASCE 7-10 from 10 lb/ft^2 (480 N/m^2) to 16 lb/ft^2 (770 N/m^2)
- The load case multiplier was corrected for ASCE 7-10 from 1 for load cases 5 and 7 to 0.6.
- The load case multiplier was corrected for ASCE 7-10 from 0.75 for load case 6 to 0.45.
- Distinct values for Metric designs were added to be consistent with the codes, as opposed to using hard conversions.
- The IBC 2000 wind code cases have been changed from Formula 16-10 and Formula 16-11 to Case 3 and Case 4 respectively. This was to make it consistent with the referenced ASCE 7-98 code.
- Exposure Category A was removed as an option for all years except 1998 and 2000. If category A was selected for any of the other years in the design, it will be changed to category B and this is likely to increase the wind load. This was done to be consistent with what the codes.
- For details on the methodology to determine wind loading, for building code years 1998 through 2016, see Wind Methodology: ASCE 7-98 and Forward
Long Weld Necks and Fittings New Features and Issues Resolved (DC-2844)
- The values of the shipped data were based on a very old manufacturers catalog and some of the values were incorrect, most conservatively; but some were not conservative.
- The data was completely stripped and recreated from scratch with and easy to explain and conservative procedure. See Pipe Fittings and Long Weld Necks Dimensional Data.
- New options have been added, including 9000# socket weld couplings.
New Features
- The export to SolidWorks now includes nozzles in conical heads and reducers. DC-2606
- The export to SolidWorks now includes nozzles in flat heads. DC-2609
- The export to SolidWorks now includes nozzles in blind flanges. DC-2610
- The export to SolidWorks now includes nozzles in toriconical Heads. DC-2607
- The export to SolidWorks now includes nozzle repads for the cases where DesignCalcs draws the pads. DC-2693
- The export to SolidWorks now includes heads on nozzles. DC-2608
- The export to SolidWorks will now remove the hole at the intersection of the nozzle and the host in most cases. DC-2680
- PDF Attachments for vessels now show up in the table of contacts for the report, when added to the report. DC-2371
- PDF Attachments for vessels now have the option use the DC footer and page numbering. When this is used, it lays down the page number and footer with an opaque background. This may cover some of the original attachment; but it makes it easier to read. DC-2360
- PDF Attachments for vessels now have the option to have their name changed. This affects what shows up in the report dialog and report table of contents. DC-2382
Issues Resolved
- An issue was resolved for nozzles where the required design temperature for the external pressure case exceeded the external pressure chart max temperature for the nozzle material. Now this will fail the nozzle and the nozzle form status message makes it clear the reason it is failing. A future expansion will add a failure mode message to the nozzle report. DC-1211
- An issue was resolved in the hemi head report that showed the incorrect sub-paragraph in a reference for the internal pressure calculations. For years 2015 and later, UG-23(f) has now been corrected to show UG-23(e). This did not affect any results. DC-2531
- An issue was resolved in the attachments/loadings report where the wind pressure and wind speed were getting mixed up. This did not affect the wind calculations for loads and stresses in vessels or supports. DC-111
- An issue was resolved with the cylindrical shell report where the result for the required thickness shown in formula did not match up with the required thickness needed to determine the minimum viable nominal thickness. This only happened in cases of very small required thickness and it was only off by one in the digit of highest precision (1/100th of a mm or 1/10000th of an inch). DC-737
- An issue was resolved with the PDF attachment where the attachment would not print if it was was dragged into the selected reports dialog instead of moved with the arrows. DC-2321
- An issue was resolved with the 3D graphics where in some cases, nozzles in conical heads for Metric designs, were drawing floating away from the head surface. DC-2759
- An issue was resolved with the 3D graphics where nozzles in toriconical heads, for Metric designs, were drawing on the head axis instead of the head surface. DC-2740
- An issue was resolved that caused an exception when the global update was run on some designs to update external pressure for the vessel. In particular this affected Rated Flanges. DC-2565
- An issue was resolved with a few button bar button images where they were showing with a black background. DC-2714
, multiple selections available,
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