DesignCalcs 2019.9 Release Notes

DesignCalcs 2019.9 Release Notes

Build 2019.9.0.3916

Release status was December 4th, 2019

DesignCalcs Download

If an issue occurs during the install, when trying to lay down the Sentinel Run-Time Environment Installer, please cancel the install and install Sentinel directly from the link below. Use the Sentinel HASP/LDK - Windows GUI Run-time Installer. Once this has completed, run the DesignCalcs install again:

Sentinel Downloads



The only remaining code changes to complete 2019 involve heat exchanger designs.

New Features

  • There were multiple changes, additions, and deletions made to allowable stress lines, yield lines, and ultimate stress lines to cover both the 2017 Customary and Metric versions of Section II, D.  These included tables 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3, 5A, 5B, U, and Y-1.  New relationships were made between the allowable, yield, and ultimate lines.  New relationships were made between the Customary and Metric allowable stress lines.  New materials were determined to need seamless equivalents and new seamless equivalent matches were determined.  DC-4238

  • The user Customer list has been moved from under Tools-Support Data to Custom Data as the new option Add/Edit Customer Entity. This now allows the user to see a full list of their customer information and includes the common grid features such as filtering and sorting, as well as copying. When a customer is selected in the vessel screen, this new grid is available there as well for easy access to the list, with the same sorting and filtering options. DC-3428



Issues Resolved

  • Resolved an issue in the head form for a pop up that should reference “UG-32(i) for code years 2015 and newer instead of UG-32(j). DC-4392



  • A pop up now occurs when switching to the 2019 edition of the code that warns the user about the SA-105 forgings MDMT curve change. DC-4607

  • The SolidWorks export option now defaults to”Export as Body”. DC-4360