SolidWorks Integration

SolidWorks Integration

Last Updated: 2023.1

SolidWorks version used in testing: 2022 SP 5.0

Using the Plugin

Before using the DC SolidWorks plugin, make sure a default parts file exists in SolidWorks. This will be used to export the vessel files to SolidWorks.

Through DC

Using the plugin is as simple as clicking the SolidWorks button in DesignCalcs:

  • Open a vessel. (Only standard vessels are supported)
  • Click the SolidWorks button shown below
  • This will begin to export the vessel to SolidWorks. Only components which are supported by SolidWorks DC plugin will be exported. A warning message as below will be shown in cases where there are components that are not supported are present in the vessel:
  • In the case above pressing Yes will start the export, pressing "No" will cancel it.
  • Starting in the 2019.8 release, the user will be asked to pick the export option they wish to use (see Export Options below for more information):


  • Once the export starts a progress bar will be shown, showing the export status
  • Once the export is complete. SolidWorks should open up with the exported vessel

Through SolidWorks

  • Vessels can also be exported directly through SolidWorks using the DesignCalcs AddIn
  • Open the Tools menu in SolidWorks, then click on DesignCalcs and then select "Show DesignCalcs Sample"
  • Select a DesignCalcs vessel file to export it to SolidWorks. (Make sure the vessel file is not opened in DC or by any other software)
  • Sometimes the DesignCalcs Addin may not show up in SolidWorks. In that case:
    • Open the Tools menu in SolidWorks, then select the Add-Ins option as shown below:
    • Then make sure that the Active Add-ins checkbox and the Startup checkbox are both checked for the DesignCalcs addin

Registering the DC SolidWorks Plugin

  • Sometimes the plugin may not be registered to SolidWorks. Then it will not show up in the SolidWorks Add-in menu and "a plugin not found" error will be shown when exporting through DC
  • In that case go to the "plugins" folder in the DesignCalcs installation directory. Locate the RegisterPlugin.bat file and execute it as an Administrator

Resolving Issues with the part template

Occasionally, DesignCalcs will stop working with SolidWorks 2019 after an update from SolidWorks 2018.  Typically this issue is resolved by fixing the template folder.  This is likely the case if the symptoms are as below:

  • The DesignCalcs to SolidWorks export is not drawing anything properly, and just a sketch of the first component is being created.  
  • The default template location is pointing to SW2019 or SW2019 tutorial folder

To resolve this, extract the template folder from the link below.  


The contents of the zip folder need to be saved to the templates folder in SolidWorks in order to select them as default files. The location is accessed the same way as shown below pictures.

To save the files as defaults, select the “Options” button.

In the default templates option, the location of the templates folder can be obtained in the boxes. To change the default, select the … button.

If the files were saved in the templates folder they should appear here after the … button was pressed.

Select the part file and click Ok.

Do the same steps for Assemblies and Drawings

Supported Components

The at the moment only following components will be exported to SolidWorks from a DC Vessel file:

  • Level 1 Heads - Hemispherical Heads, Ellipsoidal Heads, Torispherical Heads, ASME F&D Heads, Flat Heads, Toriconical Heads and Conical Heads
  • Level 1 Reducers - Conical Reducers
  • Shells
  • Nozzles - Nozzles on Heads (the heads that are currently being exported to SolidWorks), Shells, Flanges and Nozzles
  • Flanges
  • Ring Stiffener
  • Flanges
  • Heads on Nozzles
  • Nozzle repads on Shells
  • Support Lugs
  • Support Rings
  • Unbraced Legs
  • Lifting Lugs
  • Saddles

Also, all exported Nozzles create a hole in the parent component.

Export Options

Clicking the SW Export button will present the user with three options of how they can export their vessel.


  1. Exporting the SW vessel using the “Export as a Body” option will kick off the SW export. This is the default option.  Before the export is completed, the part is converted to a body. This creates a user-friendly SW file, reduces the number of features present, and prevents the user from making general dimension or location changes to the vessel. If the user wanted to add features to the body, SW will allow them to do that; but if they wanted to make a change to the construction of the vessel (e.g. Shell diameter, thickness, structural location, etc.) they would have to do so in DesignCalcs and re-export. Part of this feature is that when the export is preformed, the SW part file is saved in the same file directory as the DC file, and has the same name as the DC file. A counter is used at the end of the part file to prevent overwriting of any work that is done on the SW file if another export is preform.
  2. The second option “Export as a Body with Sketches” does everything that the “Export as Body” option does. In addition to the other option, the body part file contains the sketches (not the features) that were used in the creation of the vessel. This is included in the case that any feature the user wanted to include needed a sketch as a reference.
  3. The “Export Fixed Sketches” option is the closest option to how the export behaved before the addition of these options. Selecting this option will show all of the features used as well as all of the sketches. This option does correct under defined sketches that occurred in previous releases by using the “Fixed” relation for each point that is used in the sketch. This is done to prevent the user from unintentionally altering a sketch. Altering a sketch can consequently cause failures in the SW file. If the user intended to change a sketch, they could simply open the sketch they wanted to change and remove the “Fixed” relations to change it.

Example of the “Export as Body” option

Example of the “Export as Body with Sketches” option

Example of the “Export Fixed Sketches”

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