ASME WPS - WPS Properties

ASME WPS - WPS Properties

WPS Information

WPS number: Enter a unique number for this WPS. Important variables in the test may be encoded in the WPS number, depending on the classification system used.

WPS date: The date the original WPS was created.

Revision number: QW-200.1(c) allows a WPS to be changed provided the changes are documented by revision. Each revision to a WPS should be documented with a revision number.

Revision date: The date of the latest revision.

System of units: Select either English or metric units.

Code year: Select the Edition/Addenda of the AWS D1 Code.

Weld type: Select the weld type allowed with this WPS.

Include Optional notes: One or more pages of notes can be added to allow for the inclusion of additional information with the WPS. These pages will print just before the test results and will be numbered as part of the permanent document.

Impact qualified: This box will be automatically selected if the WPS is impact qualified.

Qualification type: Code assistance can be reduced or disabled through this drop-down. Once code assistance has been reduced or turned off, it cannot be turned on again or returned to its previous level for that WPS.

Supporting PQR(s): The PQR(s) that support this WPS. If the WPS is created from an existing PQR, the number will be automatically inserted into this field. Access to this field may be dependent on other values in this document. To enter more than one PQR, the numbers must be formatted PQR##1 ; PQR##2 and so on. Be sure to enter a space on both sides of the semicolon.

Supporting Display: This field will only appear if code assistance is disabled. If left blank the value from the above "Supporting PQR(s)" will appear on print out. If a value is typed in this field then that value will appear on print out.

Process Information

Process: When creating a prequalified WPS, select the process and method(s) used. When creating a WPS from a PQR, the process will be transferred from the PQR.


Prepared By: Enter the name of the document preparer and select an electronic signature. Once one or more signatures have been added to the document, the data cannot be changed until the signatures are removed.

Title: Enter the job title of the preparer.

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