Documents - Meta Data
Documents - Meta Data
The Meta Data tabs on most documents are the same.
Meta Data for documents includes:
- DUID Unique Identifiers
- GUID Unique Identifiers
- Date Last Modified
- Special Document Title & Signature Certification
- overriding the default allowing the output format only to be adjusted to another, perhaps AWS D1.5, D15.1, etc.
- Special Company Name, Address & Logo
- overriding the currently selected Active Company for this entity that will by default print with the document
- Tags
- Custom Fields
- Non-Code state for S9 PQRs, WPSs and WPQs (to allow use on other codes without code paragraph references)
- Document State: allowed states are-
- Not Set
- Approved
- Pending
- Unknown
- Retired
- Superseded
- Periodic Review
- Expired
- Needs Approval
- Rejected