AWS WPS - Joint Design

AWS WPS - Joint Design

AWS Joint designation: This field is only required when creating a Prequalified WPS and will be automatically completed when the joint is selected from the Joint Browser.

Groove type: Select the groove type. If the groove type cannot be changed, this field is locked according to the AWS Joint Designation.

Joint type: Select the joint type. The options may be limited by the selection in the "AWS Joint Designation" field.

CJP: Select this box to indicate complete joint penetration. This may be disabled depending on the "AWS Joint designation" selection.

Double Welded: Select this box if the weld joint was double welded.

Backing used: Select the box to indicate that backing was used on this joint. If backing was used, enter the backing material in the associated "Material" field.

Back gouging: Select the box to indicate that back gouging was used on this joint. If back gouging was used, enter the method in the associated "Method" field.

Root Opening: Enter the area at the joint root between the pieces of metal being joined together.

Root Face: Enter the portion of the groove face within the joint root.

Groove Angle: Enter the total included angle of the groove between work pieces.

Groove Radius: Enter the radius used to form the shape of a J- or U-groove weld.

Weld Size Notes: When creating a prequalified WPS, this field will be populated according to the notes specified for the AWS Joint Designation. When creating a WPS from a PQR, this field is open for any notes pertaining to the weld size.

Joint Notes: Enter any notes about the joint design.

Joint Detail Image: Select a joint detail image. ProWrite provides a variety of joint detail images, but locally created images may also be used. Joint Detail Image files must be in bitmap (.bmp) format.

WT-CAD button
Click this button to launch the CAD program. This allows the user to create custom joint images and import them into ProWrite. If the CAD program is not installed, this will load the Utilities page of the CEI website in your browser.

Load Image button

Insert an image into the WPS.

Remove Image button

Remove the image from the WPS.

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