ASME WPS - PQR Selection

ASME WPS - PQR Selection

This is the screen used to initially create an ASME Section 9 WPS. It is accessible via Documents → New by then selecting ASME Welding from the WPS section. The fields on this screen filter available PQRs to those that will be able to support the desired WPS.

WPS Configuration

Weld type*: Select the type of weld the WPS will be qualified to. 

Construction code: Select the Code that will be used for the Weld Procedure Specification. Section IX is a reference code and should be used in conjunction with another Code section.

System of units*: Select either English or metric units.

Code year: Select the Edition/Addenda of the ASME Section IX Code.

PWHT*: Select one of the post weld heat treatment options.

Impact tested*: Select this box if impact testing is used.

Base Metals

ASME Rated: Select this box if the material has been rated by the ASME.

PQR search buttonOpens the PQR browser to allow access to view the base metal data in existing PQRs only. This button is not for selecting a supporting PQR.

P- or S- Number*: If the material has been rated by the ASME, enter the appropriate designation for the base material. S-Number does not exist in the Code after 2008, so if 2009 or later is selected as the "Code year", this field will only allow P-Number.

Group No.*: A number assigned within a P-Number to ferrous base metals that have specified impact test requirements. This is an essential variable when the P-Number or S-Number is between 1 and 11 and the WPS is impact qualified.

Designation: If the material is not ASME rated, enter the base metal designation. If this is left blank, the software will search for all unrated metals. This field is case sensitive so the designation must match exactly that on the supporting PQR.

Process Selection

PQR number: Use the PQR browser button button to select a PQR from the PQR Browser.

Process/Type & Maximum Weld: The data from the selected PQR will be used to complete these fields.

Allow Incomplete/Non-Code PQRs: Select this box to create a non-Code assisted WPS using an atypical PQR, for example a non-Code assisted or incomplete PQR.


PWHT: This field will be completed based on the first PQR selected. Additional supporting PQRs will be filtered to match the PWHT on the first PQR.

Minimum/Maximum base metal thickness: Thicknesses will be generated using the appropriate Code year logic. If the PQR selected was for a groove or fillet weld and the base metals had two different P-/S-numbers or they were not the same thickness, there will be two sets of minimum/maximum thickness fields.


*Note: These fields will limit the PQRs available for creation of the WPS.

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