ASME WPS - Base Metals

ASME WPS - Base Metals

Base Metals (QW-403)

ASME Rated: Select this box if the material has been rated by the ASME.

P- or S- Number: Enter the appropriate designation for the base material. This field will be automatically completed if the material is selected from the Material Browser. S-Number does not exist in the Code after 2008, so if 2009 or later is selected as the "Code year", this field will only allow P-Number.

Group No.: A number assigned within a P-Number to ferrous base metals that have specified impact test requirements. This is an essential variable when the P-Number or S-Number is between 1 and 11 and the WPS is impact qualified.

UNS No.: An alloy designation system widely accepted in North America. The UNS number consists of a prefix letter and five digits designating a material composition. This is an essential variable when welding non-ferrous base metals and the WPS is impact qualified.

Material description: If the material is not ASME rated, describe it here. Fields using "Material Description" are case sensitive.

Minimum/Maximum thickness: Enter the upper and lower limits for the base metal thickness range (big "T"). This is distinct from the Weld Metal thickness (little "t"). The qualified range is shown under "Allowable."

Notes: Enter any notes about the base metals.

Preheat (QW-406)

Minimum preheat temperature: The minimum temperature in the weld joint preparation immediately prior to the welding; in the case of multiple pass welds, this refers to the minimum temperature in the section of the previously deposited weld metal immediately prior to welding.

Max. interpass temperature: The highest temperature in the weld joint immediately prior to welding; in the case of multiple pass welds, this refers to the highest temperature in the section of the previously deposited weld metal immediately before the next pass is started.

Preheat maintenance: The practice of maintaining the minimum specified preheat temperature - or some specific higher temperature - for a required time interval after welding or thermal spraying is completed, or until post weld heat treatment is initiated.

Notes: Enter any notes about the preheat process.

Post Weld Heat Treatment (QW-407)

Type: Select the heat treatment that was performed subsequent to welding. UTT refers to Upper Transformation Temperature; LTT is Lower Transformation Temperature.

Temperature: Enter the temperature of the post weld heat treatment.

Holding time: Enter the actual post weld heat treatment time. This should be expressed in hours and decimals; for example, record a PWHT time of 4 hours and 15 minutes as 4.25.

Notes: Enter any notes about the post weld heat treatment.


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