ASME WPS - WPS Process

ASME WPS - WPS Process

These fields availability will depend on the process and other values set for the WPS.

Filler Metal

Minimum/Maximum weld 't': The weld thickness range is for each process (little "t") is generated during the creation of the WPS. This is distinct from the Base Metal thickness (big "T").The program will allow an alternate range to be entered providing it does not exceed that which was automatically created. If code assistance is turned off or warnings ignored, the entered values may exceed the range.  

AWS classified filler metal: Select this box to indicate that the material used has been classified by AWS.

AWS classification: Enter the AWS Classification of the filler metal. If the filler metal is selected through the Filler Metal Browser, this will be entered automatically.

SFA number: Enter the SFA number of this filler metal. If the filler metal is selected through the Filler Metal Browser, this will be entered automatically.

F-Number: Enter the F-Number of this filler metal. This field will be automatically completed if a filler metal is selected from the Filler Metal Browser.

A-Number: Indicate the A-Number of this filler metal. In some cases, a chemical analysis must be performed to determine the actual A-No.

Product form: Describe the product form of this filler metal. This only applies to GMAW/FCAW, GTAW, EGW, and PAW processes.

Trade name: Enter the trade name for this filler metal. This field is essential if the filler metal is not AWS classified.

Flux trade name: Enter the trade name for the flux. This field is essential if the flux is not AWS classified. 

Flux type: Indicate the type of flux used in the SAW or ESW process. A change in the type of flux or composition of the flux constitutes a requalification of the procedure.

Other: Enter any other information that may be necessary for this filler metal.

Weld Pass > 1/2" (or 13.0mm): Select this box if the weld pass is greater than a half inch or 13 mm. This field only applies to SMAW, SAW, EGW, and GMAW/FCAW groove and fillet welds.

Consumable insert: The filler metal that is placed at the joint root before welding with the purpose of becoming completely fused into the root so it is part of the weld. If a consumable insert was used, describe it here. This field only applies to GTAW and PAW groove and fillet welds.

Flux: Material used to dissolve, prevent, or facilitate the removal of oxides or other undesirable surface substances. It may act to stabilize the arc or shield the molten pool, but it may not evolve shielding gas by decomposition. If a flux was used for weld penetration, enter the flux name here. This field only applies to GTAW, 2001 code or later.

Supplemental filler metal: If a supplemental filler metal was not used, enter None in this field. Otherwise, enter the trade name or the chemical analysis of the supplementary filler metal used. This field only applies to GMAW, FCAW, and SAW processes.

Guide type: For ESW processes, select whether the guide type is a consumable guide - in which the filler metal is supplied by a welding wire held by a consumable stationary metal tube - or a non-consumable guide.

Flux from recrushed slag: For SAW processes, indicate whether or not the flux was from recrushed slag.


Position (QW-405)

Welding Position: The relationship between the weld pool, joint, joint members, and weld heat source during welding. Select the position used when qualifying the weld.

Progression: For vertical welds, select the direction the welding was performed.

Notes: Enter additional notes about the position.

Gas (QW-408)

Gas & Flow rate: Enter the shielding gas, backing gas, trailing gas, and their appropriate flow rates in the respective fields. The gas can also be selected from the drop-down menu. PAW processes will also have fields for plasma gas; PAW hardface and overlay processes will have additional fields for powder feed gas. OFW processes will also have fields for fuel gas.

Weld Details

Layers or Passes: Indicate the pass or layer numbers.

AWS classification: Enter the AWS Classification of the filler metal. If the filler metal is selected through the Filler Metal Browser, this will be entered automatically.

Electrode/wire size: Enter the electrode or wire sizes actually used for this process. If the electrode or wire size is not an essential variable, enter a value in these fields and place comments about the electrode on a note line. A note about the size may also be placed in these fields. For example, 1/8 (2.4 mm) may indicate the use of either a 1/8-inch or a 2.4-millimeter electrode.

Current/polarity: Current may be alternating or direct (AC/DC), while the polarity may be straight (electrode negative) or reverse (electrode positive).

Amperage Range: Enter the desired amps for this electrode size.

Wire feed speed: For semiautomatic, automatic, or machine processes, enter the speed of the wire feed used in the test.

Voltage Range: Enter the desired voltage for this electrode size.

Travel speed: Enter the travel speed of the test in inches per minute (ipm) for English units or millimeters per minute (mm/min) for metric.

Note: the order of weld details can be set via the "Move to Top" button.


Technique (QW-410)

Peening: The mechanical working of metals using impact blows.

Bead type: Select the bead type. A stringer bead is made without appreciable weaving motion; a weave bead is made with transverse oscillation.

Passes per side: For groove and fillet welds, select single pass, multiple pass, or a combination of the two.

Single/multiple layers: For hardface and overlay processes, select either single or multiple layers.

Nozzle/gas cup size: A gas cup is the device at the exit end of the torch or gun that directs shielding gas. Enter the actual size of this device used during the weld test.

Weld environment: Indicate whether the welding was performed in a closed chamber or performed outside without a closed chamber. This field only applies to GTAW and PAW groove and fillet welds on P-No. 51 through P-No. 53 base metals.

Orifice diameter: Enter the diameter of the plasma torch-arc constricting orifice. This field only applies to PAW processes.

Contact tube to work: Enter the contact tube to work distance recorded during testing. This field only applies to SAW, EGW, and GMAW/FCAW processes.

Supplementary device used: For SAW overlay welds, select this box to indicate that a supplementary device was used to control the magnetic field acting on the weld puddle.

Melt-in to keyhole: Indicate whether the Melt-in or the keyhole technique was applied. Melt-in is a technique in which the intensity of the concentrated heat is adjusted so that a weld pass can be produced from filler metal added to the leading edge of the molten weld metal. In Keyhole welding, a concentrated heat source penetrates partially or completely through a work piece, forming a hole (keyhole) at the leading edge of the weld pool. This field only applies to PAW processes.

Number of electrodes: For hardface and overlay welds, enter the number of electrodes.

Single/multiple electrodes: For machine and automatic groove or fillet welds, select single or multiple electrodes.

Electrode Spacing: For machine and automatic processes, enter the spacing of the electrodes.

Bead Width: For SMAW, SAW, GMAW, FCAW, GTAW, and PAW welds, this field is used to track the bead width that can be used to determine heat input. 

Tubes expanded priort to welding: For tube-to-tubesheet welds, indicate whether or not tubes were expanded prior to welding.

Preplaced filler metal used: For tube-to-tubesheet welds, indicate wheter or not a preplaced filler metal was used.


Electrical (QW-409)

Current/polarity: Current may be alternating or direct (AC/DC), while the polarity may be straight (electrode negative) or reverse (electrode positive).

Maximum Heat Input: A relative measure of the energy transferred per until length of weld. The heat input calculated from the PQR may be lowered, but any increase requires requalification when impact testing.

Tungsten type: For GTAW or PAW processes, indicate the type of tungsten electrode used.

Tungsten size: For GTAW or PAW processes, enter the size of the tungsten electrode used.

Transfer mode: For GMAW/FCAW processes, select the transfer mode.

Pulsed current: For GTAW processes, enter the current for the pulse of the arc.


Enter any notes about the given process here.

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