ASME PQR - PQR Properties

ASME PQR - PQR Properties

PQR Information

PQR number: Enter the identification number to associate with this PQR.

Test date: The date associated with the PQR, If multiple tests are conducted to achieve a complete PQR (for example Bend tests, Tensile, tests, etc.) this is typically the date of the final test. The test date may be manually entered or selected from the calendar tool.

System of units: Select either English or metric units.

WPS number: A WPS number is not required on the PQR. When the WPS number field is left blank and a WPS is printed with supporting PQRs, the WPS numbers are automatically inserted into the space provided on the PQR. A WPS number may be entered if it is required by the inspection agency or company standards. Once the WPS number is entered only that WPS number will be printed on the PQR.

Code year: Select the Edition/Addenda of the ASME Section IX Code used for the code assistance on this PQR.

Weld Type: Select the weld type used in this test.

CRN (Canadian Registration Number): This field is visible only if enabled in settings. It allows the CRN to be recorded on documents.

Test requirements: This field can be impacted by the Weld Type. The default value is Standard tests which provides access to bend tests, tensile tests, hardness tests, and visual/liquid/Macro-etch tests. If impact testing is performed, select With Supplementary to apply the supplementary essential variables to the PQR adding toughness tests to those present on a Standard test PQR. Without Supplementary is often selected for AWS procedures. Impact test only PQR is used when qualifying a WPS for impact requirements when its original PQR was qualified without impact requirements; in this case, only impact test results (toughness, hardness, visual/liquid/Macro-etch tests) will be entered as the other required mechanical tests were done on the original PQR. To record other types of test results (hardness, macro, etc.) that were not done on the original PQR, select Supplemental Test PQR.

Applicable code: Select the Code(s) that will be used for the Weld Procedure Specification.

Qualification Type: This field is available when Weld type Tube to tubesheet is selected. This allows the User to select the qualification type for the Tube to tubesheet weld. The options are Groove weld, Fillet weld, and Mock up.

Additional weld details: Select this box to add more weld details (pass/layer specific data) to this PQR.

Optional notes: One or more pages of notes can be added to allow for the inclusion of additional information with the PQR. These pages will print just before the test results.

Use code assistance: Uncheck this box to disable Code assistance for this PQR. Once Code assistance is disabled only a non-code assisted WPS/BPS can be created from the PQR.

Process Information

No. processes: Select the number of processes for this PQR. If Stud weld is selected in "Weld Type," only one process will be allowed.

Process: Select the processes for this PQR. The first process is typically for the root pass/layer or passes/layers, the second is typically for the intermediate or cover passes/layers, and subsequent processes are for tertiary passes/layers. If Stud weld is selected in "Weld Type," only one process type of STUD will be allowed in this field. If the number of processes is reduced after data has been entered, data for the extra processes will be lost.

Joint Design (QW-402)

Groove/Fillet/Joint type: Select the type of groove or joint used in the test.

Product form: Select the material form that will be used for the PQR test. For Pipe, the size and schedule can be selected from the Pipe/Tube Browser on the Base Metals tab.

Backing Used: Select the backing (if any) used during the test.

These input fields are for generally nonessential or additional information variables. The Code does not typically require the user to document these variables on the PQR and these variables are not listed on the suggested format for PQRs.

These input fields are for generally nonessential or additional information variables. The Code does not typically require the user to document these variables on the PQR and these variables are not listed on the suggested format for PQRs.

Root Opening: Enter the area at the joint root between the pieces of metal being joined together.

Groove Angle: Enter the total included angle of the groove between work pieces.

Groove Radius: Enter the radius used to form the shape of a J- or U-groove weld.

Root Face: Enter the portion of the groove face within the joint root..

Notes: Enter any additional notes about the groove or joint.

Retainers: Describe the type of retainers used. This field only applies when EGW is selected as a process.

Stud shape: Enter the shape of the stud.

Stud size: Enter the size of the stud.

Ferrule/Flux designation: Enter the manufacturer's designation for this ferrule/flux.

Ligament Size: Enter the size of the ligament between tube holes.

Description: Describe the ferrule or flux.

Joint Detail Image: Select a joint detail image. ProWrite provides a variety of joint detail images, but locally created images may also be used. Joint Detail Image files must be in bitmap (.bmp) format.


Use the buttons to load an image into or remove an image from the PQR. Click the WT CAD button to launch the CAD program. This allows the creation of custom joint images; these may then be imported into ProWrite. If the CAD program is not installed, this will load the Utilities page of the CEI website in your browser.

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