ASME WPS - Joint Design

ASME WPS - Joint Design

Select whether to print joint descriptions, joint drawing, or neither via the radio group at the top for the screen. This selection will determine the content of the tab and will impact the output of the Document.

Joint Design

Printing Joint Descriptions

Groove Type: Use the drop-down list to select the Groove Type to be used in this procedure.

Backing: Use the drop-down list to select the backing to be used in this procedure.

Root Opening: Enter the area at the joint root between the pieces of metal being joined together.

Groove Angle: Enter the total included angle of the groove between work pieces.

Root Face: Enter the portion of the groove face within the joint root.

Groove Radius: Enter the radius used to form the shape of a J- or U-groove weld.

Fillets: Triangular welds joining two surfaces approximately at right angles. Describe any fillet welds in the joint design.

Retainers: Describe any retainers included in the joint design. Note if the retainers are nonmetallic or nonfusing.

Notes: Enter any notes about the joint design.

Printing Joint Drawing

This image is dependent on the Image Database. If the image in the database is changed, it will change on this WPSs using it as well. The image is stored in the Database until print time.

Use the buttons to load an image into or remove an image from the WPS. Click the WT CAD button to launch the CAD program. This allows the creation of custom joint images; these may then be imported into ProWrite. If the CAD program is not installed, this will load the Utilities page of the CEI website in your browser.

Backing: Use the drop-down list to select the backing to be used in this procedure.

Backing Material: Enter the material used for backing.

Fillets: Triangular welds joining two surfaces approximately at right angles. Describe any fillet welds in the joint design.

Retainers: Describe any retainers included in the joint design. Note if the retainers are nonmetallic or nonfusing.

Stud shape: Enter the shape of the stud.

Ferrule Flux description: Describe the ceramic ring used to concentrate the heat generated, prevent oxidation, and retain the molten metal in the weld zone.

Notes: Enter any notes about the joint design.

Printing Neither

Backing: Use the drop-down list to select the backing to be used in this procedure.

Backing Material: Enter the material used for backing.

Fillets: Triangular welds joining two surfaces approximately at right angles. Describe any fillet welds in the joint design.

Retainers: Describe any retainers included in the joint design. Note if the retainers are nonmetallic or nonfusing.

Notes: Enter any notes about the joint design.


Initial/Interpass cleaning: Enter the method of cleaning (e.g., with a wire brush).

Method of back gouging: Enter the method of removing weld metal and base metal from the weld root side of a welded joint to facilitate complete fusion and complete joint penetration upon subsequent welding from that side.

Ligament Size: Enter the ligament size between the tube holes.

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