ASME WPS - Stud Process

ASME WPS - Stud Process


Position: The relationship between the weld pool, joint members, and the welding heat source during welding.


Shielding gas: A protective gas used to prevent or reduce atmospheric contamination. The shielding gas may be selected or entered manually. Custom gases and their compositions may be entered into Tools > Support Database > Gases; doing so will add them to the options available.

Flow rate: The rate at which gas is being administered into the system.


Current/polarity: Current may be alternating or direct (AC/DC), while the polarity may be straight (electrode negative) or reverse (electrode positive).

Power source model: Enter the model of the power source.


Stud gun model: Enter the model of the stud gun.


Notes: Enter any notes about the stud process.

Setup Chart

Used to set the equipment to the desired range/levels required to perform the weld to the qualified specification.

Stud Size: Enter the size of the stud.

Ferrule/Flux Designation: Enter the type of ferrule or flux.

Arc Time (sec.): Calculated from the PQR and given a ± 1/10 sec. range.

Amperage: Calculated from the amperage of the PQR. This value may be changed as long as it falls in the range acceptable by Section IX.

Voltage: Dependent on the amperage. This is not an essential variable.

Lift: Calculated from the PQR and given a ± 1/32 in. (± 0.8mm) range.


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