Appendix 2 Flange - General Info

Appendix 2 Flange - General Info

Description: The label given for the component. It will appear in the component pane, the report dialog, the summary pane, and at the top of the component report. This will default to the component type and component number. For example, the third nozzle for the vessel will start with a description of Nozzle 3.

Mark: A shorthand reference for the component. It will also appear in the component report. The default entry will be an abbreviation of the component type and the component number. For example, the second jacket shell for the vessel will start with a mark SJ2.

Design Type: Select the basic flange configuration from the options.

Orientation: This field is only present when the when the software needs to determine where to place the rated flange on its host. When the host is a shell, select whether the face of the flange points toward or away from the reference line. When the host is a reducer, select whether to place the flange on the large or small end.

Rotate bolt pattern: This field can be used to toggle between a two-hole and a one-hole bolt pattern in the 3D render.

Consider Flange Rigidity: Select the box to perform the flange rigidity code check per Appendix 2-14. Though this code check is now required per Section VIII, Division 1, it was optional in the past and this field allows the user to decide whether or not to consider the requirement.