ASME PQR - Stud Process

ASME PQR - Stud Process

Position (QW-405.1)

Position of joint: The relationship between the weld pool, joint members, and the welding heat source during welding.

Gas (QW-408.2)

Shielding gas: A protective gas used to prevent or reduce atmospheric contamination. The shielding gas may be selected or entered manually. Custom gases and their compositions may be entered into Tools > Support Database > Gases; doing so will add them to the options available.

Flow rate: The rate at which gas is being administered into the system.

Eletrical (QW-409)

Power source model: Enter the model of the power source.

Amperage: Enter the amps recorded for the electrodes or filler metals used with this process.

Arc time: Enter the length of time the arc was maintained.

Current type/polarity: Current may be alternating or direct (AC/DC), while the polarity may be straight (electrode negative) or reverse (electrode positive).

Voltage: Enter the voltage used in the test.

Technique (QW-410.22)

Stud gun model: Enter the model of the stud gun.

Lift: Enter the position of the lift. There may not be a change of more than 1/32 in (.79 mm).


Enter any notes about the process here.


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