AWS PQR - Process Data

AWS PQR - Process Data

Filler Metal

AWS classified filler metal: Select this box to indicate that the material used has been classified by AWS.

Filler metal used: Select this box if a filler metal was used.

AWS classification: Enter the AWS Classification of the filler metal. If the filler metal is selected through the Filler Metal Browser, this will be entered automatically.

AWS specification: Enter the specification number of the filler. If the filler metal is selected through the Filler Metal Browser, this will be entered automatically.

F-Number: Enter the F-Number of this filler metal. This field will be automatically completed if a filler metal is selected from the Filler Metal Browser. The F-Number is used to group electrodes and welding rods based on their usability characteristics and determines the ability of welders to make satisfactory welds with a given filler metal.

Trade name: Enter the trade name for this filler metal.

Weld Size: Enter the size of the weld.

Wire feed: For GTAW processes, select whether cold or hot wire feed was used. This cannot be changed once the procedure is qualified.

Supplemental filler metal: If a supplemental filler metal was not used, enter None in this field. Otherwise, enter the trade name or the chemical analysis of the supplementary filler metal used.


Shielding gas: A protective gas used to prevent or reduce atmospheric contamination. The shielding gas may be selected or entered manually. Custom gases and their compositions may be entered into Tools > Support Database > Gases; doing so will add them to the options available.

Flow rate: The rate at which gas is being administered into the system.

Gas cup size: A gas cup is the device at the exit end of the torch or gun that directs shielding gas. Enter the actual size of this device used during the weld test.

Electrode-flux: Enter the classification of the flux and filler metal in combination.

Flux trade name: Enter the trade name for the flux. This field is essential if the filler metal and the flux have not been classified in combination with each other (i.e., F7A2-EM12K).

Flux from recrushed slag: For SAW processes, indicate whether or not the flux was from recrushed slag.


Position: The relationship between the weld pool, joint, joint members, and weld heat source during welding. Select the position used when qualifying the weld.

Progression: For vertical welds, select the direction the welding was performed.

Notes: Enter any special notes regarding the position of the coupon.

Electrical Characteristics

Current/polarity: Enter the current type and polarity. This may also be selected from the drop-down.

Transfer mode: For GMAW/FCAW processes, select the transfer mode.

Heat input: Calculated using an equation that requires the inputs of voltage, amperage, and travel speed.

Output: Select whether Constant Voltage or Constant Current was used. This is only required for GMAW or FCAW processes.

Tungsten type: For GTAW processes, indicate the type of tungsten electrode used.

Tungsten size: For GTAW processes, enter the size of the tungsten electrode used.

Power Source: Enter the name of the power source.


Interpass cleaning: Enter the method of cleaning.

Total number of passes: Record the total number of passes made in the process.

Peening: The mechanical working of metals using impact blows.

Number of electrodes: Enter the number of electrodes.

Passes per side: For groove and fillet welds, select single pass, multiple pass, or a combination of the two.

Contact tube to work: Enter the contact tube to work distance recorded during testing. This field only applies to SAW and GMAW/FCAW processes.

Bead type: Select the bead type. A stringer bead is made without appreciable weaving motion; a weave bead is made with transverse oscillation.

Travel Angle: Enter the travel angle. This is only required for machine or automatic SAW processes.

Oscillation: An alternating motion relative to the direction of travel of welding, brazing, or thermal spray device. This field applies to machine and automatic processes.

Angle Normal to Travel: This field is required for machine or automatic SAW processes.

Process Notes

Enter any notes about the process.


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