AWS PQR - PQR Properties

AWS PQR - PQR Properties

PQR Information

PQR number: Enter the identification number to associate with this PQR. This number will be displayed on all pages of the PQR document.

Test date: The date of the test may be manually entered or selected from the calendar.

System of units: Select either English or metric units.

WPS number: A WPS number is not required on the PQR. When the WPS number field is left blank and a WPS is printed with supporting PQRs, the WPS numbers are automatically inserted into the space provided on the PQR. A WPS number may be entered if it is required by the inspection agency or company standards. Once the WPS number is entered only that WPS number will be printed on the PQR.

Code year: Select the Edition/Addenda of the AWS D1 Code used in the test.

Weld Type: Select the weld type used in this test.

Include Optional notes: One or more pages of notes can be added to allow for the inclusion of additional information with the PQR. These pages will print just before the test results and will be numbered as part of the permanent document.

Use code assistance: Clear this box to disable code assistance for this PQR. Once code assistance is turned off, it cannot be turned back on for the current PQR. Only a non-Code assisted WPS or BPS can be created from a PQR that has code assistance disabled.

Process Information

Process: Select the process for this PQR.

Joint Design

Groove/Fillet type: Select the type of groove or joint used in the test.

CJP: Select this box to indicate a complete-joint-penetration groove weld.

Product form: Select the material form that will be used for the PQR test. For Pipe, the size and schedule can be selected from the Pipe/Tube Browser on the Base Metals tab.

Double Welded: Select this box if the weld joint was double welded.

Backing used: Select this box to indicate that backing was used.

Material: Enter the backing material used.

Back gouging: Select this box to indicate that back gouging was used.

Method: Enter the method of back gouging used.

These input fields are for nonessential or additional information variables. The Code does not require the user to document these variables on the PQR and these variables are not listed on the suggested format for PQRs. If the input field is left blank, the label and output location for this variable will not appear on the PQR document.

These input fields are for nonessential or additional information variables. The Code does not require the user to document these variables on the PQR and these variables are not listed on the suggested format for PQRs. If the input field is left blank, the label and output location for this variable will not appear on the PQR document.

Root Opening: Enter the area at the joint root between the pieces of metal being joined together.

Root Face: Enter the portion of the groove face within the joint root.

Groove Angle: Enter the total included angle of the groove between work pieces.

Groove Radius: Enter the radius used to form the shape of a J- or U-groove weld.

Notes: Enter any additional notes about the groove or joint.

Joint Detail Image: Select a joint detail image. ProWrite provides a variety of joint detail images, but locally created images may also be used. Joint Detail Image files must be in bitmap (.bmp) format.

WT-CAD button

Click this button to launch the CAD program. This allows the user to create custom joint images and import them into ProWrite. If the CAD program is not installed, this will load the Utilities page of the CEI website in your browser.

Load Image button

Insert an image into the PQR.

Remove the image from the PQR.

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