Tubesheet - Shell Band

Tubesheet - Shell Band

(Fixed, Floating, and U-Tube)

Several of these fields will be automatically completed when the Shell Search is used. The content of those fields will be locked.

Shell Band Information

Description: The label given for the component.

Length of Differing Thickness (L1), (L'1): Length of shell bands adjacent to the tubesheets.

Thickness (ts,1): Shell thickness adjacent to the tubesheets. The calculations assume that this is the same value for both shell bands.

Per UG-23(e), calculate using: Select whether to calculate the allowable primary plus secondary stress using 3xS or 2xSy. Caution: If 3xS is selected and the value of S is determined at 90% of Sy, the allowable primary plus secondary stress will be 2.7xSy.

Esw1: Available for Fixed Tubesheet designs, this is the girth seam joint efficiency (longitudinal stress) for the shell band.

Shell Band Material

Material: A brief description of the component material. When the material selection dialog is used, the default description is based on settings on the Materials-Misc. tab under Tools > Defaults. For example, if the settings are for Spec and Type/Grade and the material is SA-516 Grade 70, this field will show SA-516 Gr. 70. If the settings are instead just for Spec, the field will show SA-516. The field may be edited by the user to say anything without breaking the relationship to the material database; while this flexibility can be very helpful, the user must take care to enter correct information.

Condition: A brief description of the component material. Similar to the "Material" field, the description will default a certain way based on settings on the Materials-Misc. tab under Tools > Defaults when the material selection is used. This field may be edited by the user without breaking the relationship to the material database. As with the “Material” field, the user must take care to enter correct information.

Density: The material density based on table PRD from Section II, Part D. For those materials that did not have a clear match in this table, every effort was made to assign conservative values. Manually editing this field will sever the connection to the material in the database as indicated by the "Unlisted Material" caption.

B-Table: The external pressure table assigned to the material in the allowable stress tables in Section II, Part D. The table is used to determine the external pressure strength of the component and also the longitudinal compressive strength. Selecting a Factor B table other than the one assigned to the material will sever the connection to the material in the database as indicated by the “Unlisted Material” caption.

Poisson: Poisson's ratio for the selected material.


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