Basic Grid SI

Basic Grid SI

Section I

The GRID screen resembles and largely functions as any spreadsheet program such as Microsoft® Excel® would function providing data in rows and columns for easy viewing, printing and manipulation.


A cell is the smallest discrete container for of information within the CEI GRID. A cell generally contains a singular piece of data such as a welder’s stamp number or first name; a pressure vessel’s orientation or support type; or a national board number from a U1 data report. The below field would be a single cell within the CEI GRID.

However a cell can also contain conglomerations of separate pieces of data such as a welder’s first, middle and last name combined with punctuation into a cell that would look something like the below.


Each horizontal band represents one record within the datastore being queried. This could be one PQR or WPS; one pressure vessel design; one U1A or R1 data report; etc. The below fields would be a single row of data within the CEI GRID.


Each vertical band represents one type or classification of possible information present within the datastore being queried. This could be “Last Name(s)”, “Vessel Number(s)”, etc. The column header (see below arrow) is the descriptive abbreviation for the type of information present in that column.

The below fields would be a single column of data within the CEI GRID.


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