

Tags or Labels are meta data that can be associated with a PQR, WPS, WPQ, Welder or Continuity Entry/Weld. A tag is a string of text without any spaces. It can contain letters, numbers or special characters like "#". To add a new Tag open the entity you want the tag to be associated with and select the Meta Data tab. Then in the Tags section select Select Search Tags. 

In the Select Search Tags screen enter a new Tag and select Create to create the Tag in the database and Assign to assign the newly created Tag to this entity. On this screen an existing Tag can also be selected to assign to this entity.

To remove the association between a Tag and an entity select the tag and then the Remove button.

Search for Tags

To search with Tags select Tools → Tag Search. Type or select a Tag and select Go.

Bulk Tags

Bulk Modify can also be used to assign Tags to multiple entities at once.