ASME BPQR - Test Results

ASME BPQR - Test Results

Guided Bend

Figure No. and Type: Select the figure number and the type of guided bend test from the drop-down list; select None if no guided bend test was performed.

Result: Enter the result of the selected test.


The report will expand dynamically to accommodate up to 45 test results entered in the grid.

Tensile test type: Choose the type of tensile test performed.

Specimen: Describe the specimen for this test.

Width: For reduced section tests, enter the width of the test specimen as defined in QB-462.

Thickness: For reduced section tests, enter the thickness of the test specimen as defined in QB-462.

Diameter: For round specimen tests, enter the diameter of the test specimen.

Area: This field is calculated and not normally changed. However, the user can change this value to match that provided by a testing laboratory.

Load: Enter the load of this specimen.

Ultimate stress: Enter the stress of this specimen.

Failure location: Enter the location where the coupon failed.

Other Tests

Peel or Section Tests

Test Type: Select the type of test from the drop-down list.

Result: Select the result of the chosen test.

Notes: Enter additional notes about the tests.

Signature Block

Prepared By: Enter the name of the document preparer and select an electronic signature. Once one or more signatures have been added to the document, the data cannot be changed until the signatures are removed. The label for this field can be changed in Tools > Defaults > Signature.

Title: Enter the job title of the preparer.

Brazing of test coupon supervised by: Enter the name and title of the representative that witnessed the test.

Tests conducted by: Enter the name of the company that performed the laboratory test.

Laboratory test number: Enter the number of the lab test.

Brazer's Name: Enter the name of the brazer that qualified the procedures. If a brazer is selected from the Welders Log, the name, ID number, and stamp number will be inserted into the appropriate fields. Manually entering abrazer in this field does not add that information to the database.

Welder ID: Enter the ID number of the brazer that brazed the PQR coupon.

Stamp: Enter the stamp number of the brazer that brazed the PQR coupon.


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