ASME WPQ - Test Results

ASME WPQ - Test Results


Enter any notes to include with the WPQ. In some cases, notes will automatically be inserted in an effort to show limitations that would apply per ASME Section IX (e.g., "Pipe with O.D. ≤ 24" limited to flat rotated only"). Notes such as "n2" refer to ASME Section 9 code.

Test Results

Groove Weld

Bend Tests

Figure No. and Type: Select the figure number and the type of guided bend test from the drop-down list; select None if radiography testing was performed.

Result: Enter the result of the selected test.

Note that as with PQRs matching pairs are generally required. For example 2 QW-462.3(b) Face bends and 2 corresponding QW-462.3(b) Root bends as below. Once an initial ned is inserted the matching (root, side, etc.) will automatically be created and locked.

Typically mismatched bends as below are not allowed by code.

Volumetric test results: If radiography (x-ray) testing was performed, enter the results in this field.

Note that prior to the 2009 ASME Code these were referred to as "Radiographic test results".

Visual examination results: The accessible surfaces of the welds should be examined without magnification for this test.

Fillet Weld

Visual examination results: The accessible surfaces of the welds should be examined without magnification for this test.

Fillet fracture test: Describe the fillet fracture test.

Length and percent of defects: Enter the amount of defects in length and percentage.

Macro-examination test: A metallographic examination in which a surface is examined using no or low magnification. Enter the results of this test.

Fillet leg size: Enter the size of the weld leg.

Corrosion Resistant Overlay

Figure No. and Type: Select the figure number and the type of guided bend test from the drop-down list; select None if radiography testing was performed.

Result: Enter the result of the selected test.

Volumetric test results: If radiography (x-ray) testing was performed, enter the results in this field.

Liquid penetration results: The liquid penetrant examination shall meet the requirements of the pertinent sections and articles listed in Section IX.

Hardface Overlay

Figure No. and Type: Select the figure number and the type of guided bend test from the drop-down list; select None if radiography testing was performed.

Result: Enter the result of the selected test.

Macro examination results: The macro examination shall meet the requirements of the pertinent sections and articles listed in Section IX.

Liquid penetration results: The liquid penetrant examination shall meet the requirements of the pertinent sections and articles listed in Section IX.


Bend/Hammer test: In order to pass the Bend/Hammer test, each of the five stud welds and heated affected zones shall be free of visible separation or fracture after bending and return bending or after hammering. This field will automatically be populated by stating that the visual examination is satisfactory per QW-302.4 and QW-194, but this can be manually changed by the user.

Signature Block

Prepared By: Enter the name of the document preparer and select an electronic signature. Once one or more signatures have been added to the document, the data cannot be changed until the signatures are removed.

Title: Enter the job title of the preparer.

Welding test by: Enter the name of the company that performed the mechanical tests.

Laboratory test number: Enter the number of the lab test.

Mechanical/Volumetric tests conducted by: Enter person or company that performed these tests.

Organization: This will display the company information.


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