Program Settings - WPQ

Program Settings - WPQ


Label for "WPQ No.": Replaces the WPQ No. designation throughout the program with the entered text.

Field value for "Deposited weld metal range qualified": When there is no limit to the welder’s deposited weld metal thickness, the range qualified can be set to display ‘Max to be Welded,’ ‘WPS Limits’ or ‘Unlimited’ on the WPQ.

Common Weld Report - Additional Process and Type

Weld Process: Select the third weld process to be shown in the report.

Type: Select the type of weld to be shown in the report.

WPQ Expiration Exception Report

The Expiration Exception Report’s function is to notify the person running any WPQ reports of expired welders. The default behavior can be set to "Do nothing," or "Show exception report," or "Skip WPQ and show exception report."

Mechanical Test Label

The ASME Section IX Code suggested WPQ form, QW-484, contains a field with a prompt of "Mechanical tests conducted by." However, when qualifying a standard groove weld, many companies will choose to radiograph the groove joint instead of doing the bend tests and may want to document the name of the lab which performed the radiographic tests.

Always use "Mechanical tests conducted by": The program will always use mechanical tests on both the input screen and the report regardless of whether bend or radiographic tests were used.

Change to "Volumetric tests conducted by": If bend tests are used on the input screen, the label on the input screen and on the report will show "Mechanical tests conducted by," otherwise it will use "Volumetric tests conducted by."

Always use "Mechanical/ Volumetric tests conducted by": - Selecting this option will allow the program to always use mechanical/ volumetric tests on both the input screen and the report regardless of whether bend or volumetric tests were used.

Welder Image

User Welder Image on WPQ Output: Select this box to display the welder's image on their WPQ.

Top Margin: Indicate how far the welder's image will appear from the top of the WPQ document.

Right Margin: Indicate how far from the right hand side of the WPQ document the welder's image will appear.

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