Specifying Loading Cases

Specifying Loading Cases

You must define the loading cases you want to check in the structural support calculations.


If your leg/zick analysis/tower analysis/base ring/lug/support ring report is not showing any calculations, access the loading cases by clicking the Vessel button on the Components pane. Select Vessel Information, go to the Wind/Seismic tab, and click the Load Cases button.

a screenshot of the Components pane UI highlighting the selection of Vessel Information

a screenshot of the Edit Vessel UI highlighting the wind and seismic code fields

a screenshot of the Wind and Seismic tab highlighting the Load Cases button

Operating conditions reference the liquid input on the Liquid tab of the Vessel Attachment/Loadings window. These include static head from the components.

Empty conditions are without the liquid from the Attachment/Loadings window and do not include static head.

Vacuum will run for the Pressurized conditions. Static head will be included for Operating Unpressurized cases.

Occasional loadings will consider wind/seismic loadings. Selecting Occasional Loadings enables the Wind and Seismic cases for the condition. These are based on the Wind and Seismic codes selected on the General tab of the Vessel Information window. For codes UBC-1997 and newer, these represent the Code's Allowable Stress Design loading cases (ASD) that contain a Wind/Seismic element.

Sustained loadings do not consider wind/seismic loadings.


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