Example Custom Material

Example Custom Material

First Created: 2020.6

This example custom material is based on SA-516 Grade 70 with a more conservative allowable stress yield basis than the ASME code requires in SC II, D. Typically the allowable strength yield basis is 2/3 yield; but in this case, we are limiting the allowable stress to no more than 1/2 yield. This example is pretty simple because the product form does not affect the allowable stress and the safety factor is being increased instead of decreased (going from 1.5 on yield to 2). If the product form is welded (e.g. welded pipe) or the safety factor was being decreased, then extra considerations must be taken into account. See the Appendices in Section II, D for more information.


Click on Custom Data and pick the first menu choice:



In the Control Panel make sure Customary is selected and hit “New”



Notice that the fields are all blank. Hit the material search button.



Filter down to SA-516 Grade 70 and hit Ok.




Notice that the data fills in based on the standard SA-516 Gr 70 data in DesignCalcs



The zero values at some temperatures represent explicit data points not provided by SC II, D. DesignCalcs will not use zero at these points; instead it interpolates between adjacent points when this material and temperature is selected.



Start altering the allowable stress values at the different temperatures to be 50% of the yield value at the same temperature (if lower than the allowable), except for some of the zero values. For the zero values figure what it would be based on interpolation, compare to 50% yield and user the lower value.



Starting at 800°F, the allowable stresses provided are lower than 50% yield, so leave these alone. At these temperatures for SA-516 Gr. 70, time-dependent properties govern the allowable stress instead of tensile or yield.



Change the description to something meaningful and check your again for errors.




Hit save and then close the form. Now you will see the material in the Control Panel. Close this.




Open up a component and hit the material browser.




All Custom Materials are listed on the right side in the selection screen. Select the new customer material and hit Ok.




The custom material has been selected for the component and the material description and stresses have been updated.