Vessel Information -- Design Tab

Vessel Information -- Design Tab

Last Updated: 2023.3

The values entered on this tab will be carried throughout the entire vessel. It preset all fields based upon the values entered.

Internal Pressure: The internal design pressure (pressure on the concave side). This value is gauge pressure.

Internal Temperature: The maximum mean metal design temperature for the internal pressure case as defined in UG-20(a).

Jacket or Tube Pressure: This field is only enabled when the Vessel Type is set to Jacketed or Heat Exchanger. This is the internal design pressure (pressure on the concave side) of the jacket or tube side chamber. This value is gauge pressure.

Jacket or Tube Temperature: This field is only enabled when the Vessel Type is set to Jacketed or Heat Exchanger. The maximum mean metal design temperature for the internal pressure case as defined in UG-20(a) and is the temperature for the internal pressure case.

External Pressure: The external design pressure (pressure on the convex side). This value is gauge pressure. 

External Temperature: The maximum mean metal design temperature for the external pressure case as defined in UG-20(a).

MDMT Pressure: The net internal pressure (concave side) on the component coincident with the minimum design metal temperature (MDMT). This includes static head.

MDMT Temperature: This is specified required MDMT temperature. 

Inside CA: Corrosion allowance on the inside of the component (concave side).

Test Pressure:  This is the Specified Test Pressure that appears on the Hydrostatic Test page of the report for the inner or shell side chamber.  This may also be used in the Hydro Test Condition for the Leg, Zick Analysis and Tower Analysis reports if Max Pressure is set for the test condition.

Jacket or Tube Test Pressure: This field is only enabled when the Vessel Type is set to Jacketed or Heat Exchanger. This is the Specified Test Pressure that appears on the Summary page of the report.  This is the Specified Test Pressure that appears on the Hydrostatic Test page of the report for the jacket or tube side chamber.

Specific Gravity: This is preset to 1. This value is used when running calculations for liquid.

Liquid Density: This value is preset based upon your selection of Units of Measure. You can change the value entered in the field. 

For nozzle reinforcement calcs, replace full thickness of vessel wall.: If this checkbox is selected it will require that your nozzle designs will need to replace the full thickness of the host wall. It is preset to be unchecked.

Use excess vessel wall thickness for nozzle reinforcement calculations.: If the “Use excess vessel wall thickness for nozzle reinforcement calculations” box is not selected, material from the host will not be used for reinforcement, resulting in A1=0. This box should be selected unless your internal requirements or those of a customer indicate that A1 should not be considered.

Allow a nozzle design to limit vessel MAWP rating.: Having this box checked will have the vessel's MAWP to limited by components excluding the nozzle. Having the checkbox selected will allow the nozzle to limit the overall vessel MAWP.

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