Electrical Characteristics Details

Electrical Characteristics Details

The electrical ranges that show up in the WPS Process Weld Details are populated at WPS creation based on a few things in the PQR. The factors that feed into this are the Process, Transfer Mode (if applicable) and the selected filler metal.



Example: PQR is GMAW with Short Circuit Transfer Mode and a Filler Metal is selected with Electrical Table 7


See Electrical Table 7 under Tools - Support Data Electrical Characteristics. Note that by the description, it is intended for GTAW, not GMAW.




In the single process PQR, the following filler metal is selected on the Process 1 tab.





When the WPS is generated from this PQR, the following information populates the weld details on Process 1. This does not match the group 7 values; this is because the software overrode that selection and went with the better match for GMAW and Short-Circuiting arc Transfer mode, group 8.






Example: PQR is GMAW with Pulsed Spray Transfer Mode and a User Created Filler Metal and Electrical Table


Under Tools - Support Data - Electrical Characteristics, Hit New and add the following information. Now Save/Close.



Now Create a custom filler metal that is assigned to this table. On the filler metal tab, open and select ERNiCrMo-4 and hit OK. Now Copy.


In the copy, change the Electrical Characteristics Table from 7 to 15. Save/Close.


In the PQR on the Process tab, select the filler metal by changing Code Year to “User” at the bottom. Select the filler metal just created.


It fills in the PQR.


In the WPS, the ranges fill in exactly as selected as the software does not have special logic to override the custom selection.




Other Notes:

  • In some cases the exact values will come over from the PQR and will only show a range if the PQR had a range. This is likely related to to the Process and Transfer Mode.

  • You can override the default values in the WPS and replace a single value with range.

  • If you need to do this a lot, consider adding a custom Electrical Characteristics table and filler metals that use that table, like in Example 2.



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