WIS - WIS Properties

WIS - WIS Properties

WIS Information

Name: This can be the name of the welder or WIS. This is a generic field for naming convention.

Description: This is field to add more clarity to what the WIS is being used for.

WIS number: Enter a unique number for this WIS. Important variables in the test may be encoded in the WIS number, depending on the classification system used.

WIS Date: The date the original WIS was created.

WIS Revision number: This pertains to the revision number of the WIS.

WIS Revision Date: The date of the latest revision.

WPS number: Enter a unique number for this WPS. Important variables in the test may be encoded in the WPS number, depending on the classification system used.

WPS Revision number: QW-200.1(c) allows a WPS to be changed provided the changes are documented by revision. Each revision to a WPS should be documented with a revision number.

Revision date: The date of the latest revision.

Process: Displays the process selected for the WPS. This will be a single process based on the User selection.

Method: Displays the method selected for the WPS.

Weld type: Displays the weld type selected for the WPS.

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