Thin Wall Expansion Joint - General Info

Thin Wall Expansion Joint - General Info

Description: The label given for the component.

Mark: A shorthand reference for the component. It will also appear in the component report. The default entry will be an abbreviation of the component type and the component number. For example, the second jacket shell for the vessel will start with a mark SJ2.

Prompt before updating fields on conditions tab: Select this box to be asked to confirm changes to the grid on the Conditions tab; each time a field that affects the grid data is adjusted, a message will appear prompting the user to accept or cancel the changes. Declining the changes to the grid data does not affect the changes made to the field. Clear this box to automatically update the Conditions grid without confirming each change.

Configuration: Select the expansion joint configuration.

The Expansion Joint has a Collar: Select the box if there is a collar. This will enable various fields on the Convolution/Collar tab.

Reinforcing Ring has a Fastener: Select this box if the reinforcement for Reinforced U-Shaped Bellows is assembled by fasteners. Clear the box if the reinforcement is continuous.

Shaping Method: Select whether the bellows are As Formed or Annealed, Formed to 100% (based on Db) or Formed to 50% (based on Dm), and whether Expanding Mandrel, Roll Forming (top option) or Hydraulic, Elastometric, or Pneumatic tube forming (bottom option) was used. The second and third choice only apply to U-shaped bellows (unreinforced and reinforced) and code years 2013 or later. These default based on common practice or what is conservative.

Bellows Attachment: This only applies to toroidal bellows, years 2013 and later. See Figure 26-1-2 for more information. It defaults to Externally Attached.


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