Vessel Information -- General Tab

Vessel Information -- General Tab

Last updated: 2023.6

Job Number: This field will appear will on the Cover Page when you print the report. This input can be whatever the User wants it to be. 

Vessel Number: This field will appear will on the Cover Page when you print the report. This input can be whatever the User wants it to be. 

Design Last Revised: This field can be typed in or you can use the drop-down that will show a calendar to select the appropriate date. 

Company Drawing No: This field will appear will on the Cover Page when you print the report. This input can be whatever the User wants it to be. 

P. O. Number: This field will appear will on the Cover Page when you print the report. This input can be whatever the User wants it to be. 

Customer Drawing No: This field will appear will on the Cover Page when you print the report. This input can be whatever the User wants it to be. 

Vessel Description: This field will appear will on the Cover Page when you print the report. This input can be whatever the User wants it to be. 

Project Notes: This field will appear will on the Cover Page when you print the report. This input can be whatever the User wants it to be. It can contain any information that the User wants to convey.

Code: This field is a drop-down that allows the User to select either ASME Section VIII, Division 1 or Division 2. The option for Division 2 has a pop up message that states, "The Division 2 code rules are currently in active development and intended for review and testing only. Do you wish to proceed?". Once you select a Code and hit the Save and Close button this field will become grayed out and no longer editable. 

Code Year: This field is a drop-down that allows the User to select a Code year from a selection of 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021 and any future Code years that are available for use. This field can be changed at any point in time. 

Units of Measure: This field is a drop-down that allows the User to select either CUSTOMARY or METRIC. Once you select a Unit of Measure and hit the Save and Close button this field will become grayed out and no longer editable.

Radiography: This field is a drop-down that allows the User to select either NONE, RT1, RT2, RT3, or RT4. This field will populate the Radiography fields on other components. For example from the Shell component form it will populate these fields:

         The following fields are not used by this software; they are listed here for the convenience of filling out the data forms in DesignDocs and FormPro.

Radiography (Circ.): This field represents the degree of radiography performed on the circumferential joints (girth seams). See UW-11 for more information.

Radiography (Long.): This field represents the degree of radiography performed on the longitudinal joints (long seams). See UW-11 for more information.

Safety Factor: This field is a drop-down that allows the User to select either 3.5:1 or 4:1 when the Code selected is ASME Section VIII, Division 1. The User can select 2.4:1, 3.0:1, or 4:1 when the Code selected is ASME Section VIII, Division 2.

Tube Side Radiography: This field is only available when the Vessel Type selected is Heat Exchanger. This field is a drop-down that allows the User to select either NONE, RT1, RT2, RT3, or RT4. This field will populate the Radiography fields on other components. For example from the Tube component form it will populate these fields:

         The following fields are not used by this software; they are listed here for the convenience of filling out the data forms in DesignDocs and FormPro.

Radiography (Circ.): This field represents the degree of radiography performed on the circumferential joints (girth seams). See UW-11 for more information.

Radiography (Long.): This field represents the degree of radiography performed on the longitudinal joints (long seams). See UW-11 for more information.

Vessel Type: This field is a drop-down that allows the User to select either Standard, Jacketed, or Heat Exchanger. Once you select a Vessel Type and hit the Save and Close button this field will become grayed out and no longer editable. 

Dimensions are: This field is a drop-down that allows the User to select either Outside or Inside. This will preset that information on all components created. 

Orientation: This field is a drop-down that allows the User to select either Horizontal, Vertical, or Spherical. 

Solve For: This field is a drop-down that allows the User to select either Thickness or Pressure. This will preset that information on all components created. 

Support Type: This field is a drop-down that allows the User to select either Saddle or N/A when the Orientation field is set to Horizontal. This field is a drop-down that allows the User to select either N/A, Skirt, Lug, Support Ring, Unbraced Leg, Flat Bottom when the Orientation field is set to Vertical. The field will become N/A when you have Orientation set to Spherical.

Reference Point: This field is a drop-down that allows the User to select either Head/Shell Seam or Tangent Line. This will set the reference point for the entire vessel.

Wind Code: This field is a drop-down that allows the User to select either ANSI A58.1 - 1982, ANSI/ASCE 7-88, ASCE 7-93, ASCE 7-95, ASCE 7-98, ASCE 7-02, ASCE 7-05, ASCE 7-10, ASCE 7-16, ASCE 7-22, CBC 2010, CBC 2013, CBC 2016, CBC 2019, CBC 2022, UBC 1991, UBC 1994, UBC 1997, IBC 2000, IBC 2003, IBC 2006, IBC 2009, IBC 2012, IBC 2015, IBC 2018, IBC 2021, User Defined, Not Required, or NONE and any other future additions of Wind Codes will be available. 

Min. Thickness: This field is a drop-down that allows the User to select either UG-16(b) = 0.0625, UG-16(b)(3) = 0.25, UG-16(b)(4) = 0.0938, or None = 0 when the Code selected is ASME Section VIII, Division 1 and Units of Measure is Customary.  The options provided to the User ASME Section VIII, Division 1 and Units of Measure being Metric are UG-16(b) = 1.5, UG-16(b)(3) = 6.00, UG-16(b)(4) = 2.5, or None = 0. The options provided to the User ASME Section VIII, Division 2 and Units of Measure being Customary are 4.1.2 = 0.0625, 4.1.2(c) = 0.0938, and None = 0. The options provided to the User ASME Section VIII, Division 2 and Units of Measure being Metric are 4.1.2 = 1.6 , 4.1.2(c) = 2.4, and None = 0. 

Seismic Code: This field is a drop-down that allows the User to select either ANSI A58.1 - 1982, ANSI/ASCE 7-88, ASCE 7-93, ASCE 7-95, ASCE 7-98, ASCE 7-02, ASCE 7-05, ASCE 7-10, ASCE 7-16, ASCE 7-22, CBC 2010, CBC 2013, CBC 2016, CBC 2019, CBC 2022, UBC 1991, UBC 1994, UBC 1997, IBC 2000, IBC 2003, IBC 2006, IBC 2009, IBC 2012, IBC 2015, IBC 2018, IBC 2021, User Defined, Not Required, or NONE and any other future additions of Wind Codes will be available. 

ND Test Type: This field is a drop-down that allows the User to select either Hydrostatic, Pneumatic, or Combination. This will affect the ND testing performed on the vessel.

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