ASME PCC-1 (Bolted Flange Joint Assembly)

ASME PCC-1 (Bolted Flange Joint Assembly)

ASME PCC-1's implementation into Prowrite allows users to review and implement the Guidelines for Pressure Boundary Bolted Flange Joint Assembly as well as training and qualification of bolted joint assembly personnel.

ASME PCC-1 is the code of Bolted Flange Joint Assembly guidelines developed my The American Society of Mechanical Engineers for the assembly of bolted flanges that include a pressure boundary and ring-type gaskets that are entirely within the circle enclosed by the bolt holes.

This code contains guidelines to assemble bolted flanges for leak-tight performance including cleaning and examination of flange and fastener contact surfaces, lubrication of working surfaces, alignment of flanged joints, installation of gaskets, the installation and tightening of bolts as well as joint disassembly. Guidance on troubleshooting bolted flange joint assemblies not providing leak-tight performance is also provided within this code. 

Users are cautioned that the guidelines contained in ASME PCC-1 have been developed generically and are recommended for general applications. Sound engineering practices and judgment should be used to determine the applicability of a specific method or part of a method to a specific application. Each joint assembly procedure should be subject to an appropriate review by qualified personnel. 

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