AWS D1.5 (Bridge Welding Code)

AWS D1.5 (Bridge Welding Code)

AWS D1.5’s implementation into ProWrite allows users the ability to enter, store, and access their Bridge Welding Code documents as well as their welders from within ProWrite Welding Software.

AWS D1.5 is the Welding code developed by The American Welding Society for welding fabrication requirements applicable to welded Highway Bridges. This code is stipulated for both shop and field fabrication of Steel Bridges and bridge components. The code is to be used in conjunction with the AASHTO Standard Specification of Highway Bridges or the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.

These document are geared toward the development of welding procedures and welder and welding operator performance qualifications specifically for bridge construction.

This code is not intended for the following.

  1. specialized fabrication such as pressure vessels or pressure piping.
  2. Base Metals other than the carbon and low-alloy steels.
  3. Steels with a minimum specified yield strength greater than 690MPa(100 ksi)
  4. Structures composed of structural tubing.