ProWrite 2023.5.0.5608 Release Notes

ProWrite 2023.5.0.5608 Release Notes

Build 2023.5.0.5608
Release Status - May 9, 2023


During installation, if an issue occurs with the Sentinel Run-Time Environment Installer, cancel the install and go to Installing or Updating the Windows Driver for the Hasp License for steps on how to complete a sentinel hasp installation. Once this is completed, install ProWrite again.


For users with some OS versions, the following error message is displayed:

You can address this issue by going to Microsoft Edge WebView2 | Microsoft Edge Developer, downloading the Evergreen Bootstrapper, and running the installer.


For a quick demo of the updates listed below, watch the following video:




New Features

  • In the Security window, the Hide all Entities with a Valid thru date less than today checkbox has been created and now filters out all documents that have a valid thru date that is in the past or not set. (PWN-7997)

  • An option to record tube-to-tubesheet welding documentation has been added to the PQR, WPS, WPQ and the Welder to WPS Analysis documents. (PWN-8072, PWN-8078, PWN-8109, PWN-8143)

Note: This is a new licensed feature that can be added to a current ProWrite subscription. Please contact an account manager or sales representative at sales@thinkcei.com for more information.

  • The functionality to adjust the Location and Foreman Selection window sizing has been added. (PWN-7696)

Issues Resolved

  • When creating a WPS using the Quick WPS button, the test requirements now display correctly in the PQR. (PWN-6515)

  • You can now create generic WPQs with or without code assistance. Previously, the Use Code Assistance checkbox displayed an error message that informs users toggling code assistance cannot be changed, which is inaccurate. (PWN-5897)

  • You can now open D1.1 WPSs that were made with an impact tested PQR that had a previously deleted PQR deleted. Previously, an error message was displayed. (PWN-4462)

  • You can now print in ProWrite using the Print to File option. Previously, content would be cut-off due to the percentage of scaling a user had on his or her device. (PWN-8175)

  • You can now create a Revised WPS without Code Assistance and have all the fields transferred from the original WPS. (PWN-7767)

  • You can now run the Continuity Report in the custom reports when you have User Defined Processes that do not follow the expected report format. It will filter those User Defined values and run the report. (PWN-7964)

  • When using the Welder to WPS Analysis, the Passes per Side have been adjusted to better reflect ranges qualified. (PWN-8401)

How to Update ProWrite:

Enterprise users:

  • Apply the database schema updates in order:

    • 133 upgrade from 132

    • 134 upgrade from 133


  • Notify all users, close all connections, and backup your database.

  • Update the application.

LocalDB users:

Once you update the application, the software automatically updates the database when you open it.

Cloud Users:

The update has automatically been applied. No action is necessary.