ProWrite 2023.10.0.5814 Release Notes

ProWrite 2023.10.0.5814 Release Notes

Build 2023.10.0.5814
Release Status - October 24, 2023


During installation, if an issue occurs with the Sentinel Run-Time Environment Installer, cancel the install and go to Installing or Updating the Windows Driver for the Hasp License for steps on how to complete a sentinel hasp installation. Once this is completed, install ProWrite again.


For users with some OS versions, the following error message is displayed:

You can address this issue by going to https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/#download-section, downloading the Evergreen Bootstrapper, and running the installer.


For a quick demo of the updates listed below, watch the following video:


New Features

The following updates have been made to account for 2023 ASME Section IX code updates:

  • A new option for the 2023 code year is now available in all documents within the software (S9). (PWN-8361)

  • The 2023 base and filler materials have been added to the Base Metal database within the software (S9).(PWN-8642)

  • The passes per side variable requirements for supplementary essential and nonessential variable situations depending on meeting certain criteria have been adjusted in the software (S9). (PWN-8698)

  • The current/polarity variable requirements for supplementary essential and nonessential variable situations depending on meeting certain criteria have been adjusted in the software (S9). (PWN-8687)

  • A restriction has been added so that WPQs limit 1 process per each fillet weld qualification; groove welds can still qualify 1-3 processes (S9). (PWN-8753)

  • The ASME Section VIII and Section IX PWHT Hold Times Notes have been updated to account for the changes to Section VIII in the software (S9). (PWN-8620)

  • The essential variable requirement on F-No. for corrosion resistant overlay has been removed in the software (S9). (PWN-8676)

  • The nonessential variable requirement for transfer mode for GMAW and FCAW documents has been added in the software (S9). (PWN-8801)

  • The bead width field on PQRs and WPSs has been added and can now be documented for essential variable requirements (S9). (PWN-8653;8664)


Issues Resolved

  • You can now delete and enter new continuity entries as expected in the software (S9). (PWN-5351)

  • The D1.1 preheat temperature temperature and interpass temperature settings now work as expected. Previously, a message was displayed noting that the code was outdated (D1). (PWN-8567)

  • You can now edit the AWS Classification for corrosion resistant overlay WPSs as expected (S9). (PWN-8828)


How to Update ProWrite:

Enterprise users:

  • Apply the database schema updates in order:

    • 136 upgrade from 135

    • 137 upgrade from 136

If you are updating ProWrite versions older than 2023.7, refer to the ProWrite 2023.7.0.5652 Release Notes for the SQL scripts to update the enterprise database.

  • Notify all users, close all connections, and backup your database.

  • Update the application.

LocalDB users:

Once you update the application, the software automatically updates the database when you open it.

Cloud Users:

The update has automatically been applied. No action is necessary.

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