Analysis - Reporting

Analysis - Reporting

Click the Analysis Button in the Main Toolbar. 

Click the Welder/WPS Analysis Option. 

A window much like the below will open.

This area of the program will allow you the ability to analyze your Welder to WPS or WPS to Welder information for viewing or printing purposes.  Note that the Welder List and WPS list on the left side of the screen are the same type of tables that appear in other areas of the program. Filtering and Sorting is handled like the other tables of this kind allowing you the ability to click on the Column headers to sort the list based on that column. You can also filter the list by hovering your mouse over the column header and then by clicking the little mini Dropdown list icon and then by placing Check marks next to the items that you wish to filter the list by. 

Note that the Welder list is now only showing the four welders that were selected. 

Now, click the "Welders to WPSs" button in the Welder/WPS List Section to produce a list of WPSs that these 4 Welders are qualified for. Note that due to the way the analysis works, you may see Multiples of the same WPS/s listed in the list. This is due to the WPQ and the different checks that are done against it. 

To print this result, you can click the Reports button and choose the report that you are wanting to generate. 

Example Report. 

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