DesignCalcs Enterprise

DesignCalcs Enterprise

DesignCalcs Enterprise/Corporate class offering. DC Enterprise offers extended capabilities such as-

Concurrent User Access 

DesignCalcs Enterprise supports concurrent user licensing allowing you to save money by limited the number of seats needed vs a per named user sales model.

Microsoft® SQL Server Data Storage

DesignCalcs Enterprise allows flat file storage or Microsoft SQL Server (2014 or later suggested) database storage of vessel information allowing flexibility for shop or field modifications of designs.

Remote Access & Virtualization

DesignCalcs Enterprise supports Microsoft® Terminal Services/Remote Desktop Services, Citrix® XenApp/Virtual App, VMWare® vShpere/ThinApp and most other remote and virtual services.

Versioning & Production Access with Custom Back End Integrations

DesignCalcs Enterprise allows access control, versioning of vessel and workflows to facilitate vessel production. The customizable CEI Welding & Vessel API allows integrations with back end systems on a batch or real time basis.


DesignCalcs Enterprise allows users world wide and is not limited to specific geographies or countries*.

*except as limited by law 

Contact sales@thinkcei.com for more information.