Paulin Research Group 2024.5.0.2130 Release Notes

Paulin Research Group 2024.5.0.2130 Release Notes


Build: 2024.5.0.2130

Release status - May 7, 2024

For a quick demo of the updates listed below, watch the following video:

2024.5.0.2130 release video.mp4

New Features

  • Konnect™ now supports liquid sloshing, which can be also used in Vessel Link when handling vessels. PRG-2662

Note: To learn more about sloshing and why it matters, read our latest blog post When Sloshing in a Vessel Matters.

  • Konnect™ now handles corrosion, which can be turned off and on for vessel and piping models. PRG-2670

  • You can now analyze in-and-out-of-phase seismic loads for Konnect™ projects, which can be controlled for each vessel model. PRG-2659

  • You can now import saddles and supported horizontal vessel models into Konnect™ and Vessel Link using the JSON export button for models in CEI’s DesignCalcs or Finglow. PRG-2691

Note: The JSON export button allows users to import and export design files from CEI’s suite of software products like DesignCalcs and Finglow (and vise versa into PRG’s products) for further code validation, design assistance, or FEA analysis.

  • You can now load encrypted or decrypted JSON files into Konnect™ and Vessel Link. PRG-2689

  • You can now load cylinder rings in vessel models in Konnect™ and Vessel Link. PRG-300

  • You can now load Portable Compile Format (PCF) piping files from AutoCAD in Konnect™ and PCLGold. PRG-2622

  • The following PRG products can now read neutral files from version 14 of CAESAR II®️:

    • FEATools Piping FEA Translator

    • Konnect™

    • PCLGold

    • MiMOut

    • PipeSupportPro

    • BOS B31 PRG-2778


Issues Resolved

  • In PVPTPro, an issue has been corrected involving translating loads to the end of nozzle when loads were applied at the nozzle or shell junction, which resulted largely conservative results. PRG-2686

  • In the FEA Translator, the typo in the B31 2017/2020 option has been corrected. PRG-2573

  • In Konnect™, an issue has been corrected with how bends are displayed in the software. Now, the bend elements are displayed and connected as expected and the displacement scaling has been resolved. PRG-2475

  • In Konnect™ and Vessel Link, models that imported from the XML format using the 2023 code or later now properly upload to the software. PRG-2657

  • In NozzlePRO, file results for *._P files from CAESAR II®️ are now displayed as expected in the Loads window. PRG-2780



  • Additional licensing is now required when performing sloshing in Konnect™ and Vessel Link. PRG-2662

  • Additional licensing is required for performing a corrosion analysis in Konnect™ and Vessel Link. PRG-2670

  • Additional licensing is required for PCF import capabilities in Konnect™. PRG-2622

For current customers, contact your account manager or sales@paulin.com to enable these features on your device.