Paulin Research Group 2023.4.0.1115 Release Notes

Paulin Research Group 2023.4.0.1115 Release Notes

Build 2023.4.0.1115

Release Status - April 18, 2023

For a quick demo of the updates listed below, watch the following video:

New Features

  • PVPTPro now includes the capability to perform nonlinear analysis for multiple nozzles and head types per ASME Section VIII Division 2 Part 5, Para. 5.2.3 and 5.2.4. [PRG-1446]

  • NozzlePRO’s Vessel Link can now consume and perform analyses using CEI’s JSON files. [PRG-605]

  • MiMOut, the generic output processor, can now display results for 2D Axisymmetric and 3D Bricks in the following ways:

    • Displays results in NozzlePRO for Axisymmetric and Brick models.

    • Displays results in FlangePRO (previously named as AxiPRO) for Axisymmetric and Brick Flange models.

    • Displays results in FEPipe for Axisymmetric and Brick Models. [PRG-987]


Issues Resolved

  • You can now perform finite element analysis (FEA) as expected from the Drawing Tools. [PRG-1709]

  • NozzlePRO now adjusts a vessel’s diameter correctly. Previously, the diameter changed based on a model’s height instead of width. [PRG-1838]

  • When a user enters a large thermal expansion coefficient, NozzlePRO now runs as expected. Previously, the software would crash. [PRG-1715]

  • The software now predicts true stress and strain results with large thickness or thinning applied to geometries when performing nonlinear analyses of models. [PRG-1137]

  • FlangePRO now runs as expected when performing FEA on stress classification lines (SCL) type stresses and when the number of bolts is greater than 1. [PRG-1233]



  • PVPTPro now includes a new license for the nonlinear analysis capability. [PRG-1446]

If you are a current customer, this feature does not automatically come with your software update. To enable this latest feature, contact your account manager or contact sales@paulin.com.