WeldProject - Ribbon

WeldProject - Ribbon

The ribbon is organized into tabs to provide a logical grouping for the tools and options available in WeldProject.

a screencap of the WeldProject ribbon with its elements labeled

Tabs and groups display the reports, elements, import options, and other tools available. You can access file and report options via the Application button.


Project Group

a screencap of the WeldProject ribbon with the project group highlighted

This is where you can find options that affect the entire project. You can adjust the zoom, decide whether or not to show the grid and whether you want items to snap to it, and add or remove a background image. There is also a search to help you locate elements in your project.

The Project group also offers you a convenient way to start a project with the Vessel Wizard and provides access to the WeldProject reports.

Elements Group

a screencap of the WeldProject ribbon with the elements group highlighted

The Elements group houses the building blocks of your project. Click on any of the available components to add them to your canvas, use the cursor to move them around, and add lines to represent connections. 


  • Line

  • Component

  • Conformity Correction

  • Consumable

  • Document Slip

  • Joint

  • NDE

  • Non-Conformity

  • Operation

  • Person

  • Note


a screencap of the WeldProject ribbon with the data tab highlighted

The data tab is where you hook up your databases. If you are a ProWrite user, WeldProject will automatically detect your ProWrite database location.


a screencap of the WeldProject ribbon with the import tab highlighted

Import is a contextual tab, meaning it will not be visible unless an element that allows import is selected on the canvas. Each element - other than lines - can be associated with an external file. You can use the import tab to get data from ProWrite or DesignCalcs. The options available for import will depend on the selected element.