Signature Database

Signature Database

ProWrite supports eSigning documents. An electronic signatures can be stored in the database and associated with a Security account to allow signing of  PQRs, WPQs, and WPSs. The Signature Database can be accessed via Tools → eSignatures.

An eSignature includes an image (Jpeg, Bitmap or PNG) of the signer's handwritten signature and is intended to serve as the signer's authentication of the document. Security features must be enabled and an eSignature account associated with a Security account in order to use eSignatures. Once a signature has been added to a document, the document may no longer be edited. The signature must be removed before data can again be modified on the document.

Signature Database User Interface

Signature Information

Managing signature bitmaps requires Administrative privileges in the Security Database.

Signature Name: This is the name that will appear beneath the signature line.

Title: The title appears to the right of the signature.

Signature: This field will contain a visual representation of the signature.

Load Bitmap: Use this button to search for and select a BMP image file. Suggested size is 380 pixels wide by 30 pixels high.

Delete Bitmap: Use this button to remove the BMP file associated with this signature.

Width: Sets the width of the signature on output.

Height: Sets the height of the signature on output.

Lock Aspect Ratio: Locks the aspect ratio of the signature.

Offset X: Sets the "left/right", X position of signatures. Larger numbers move the signature to the right of the page.

Offset Y: Sets the "up/down", Y position of signatures. Larger numbers move the signature down the page toward the bottom.

Personal Identification Data

First Name: Enter the first name for the user.

Middle Name: Enter the middle name of the user.

Last Name: Enter the user's last name.

Password Information

Signature ID: Type a password ID into this field. This ID will be used to determine which signature should be added to the document.

Enter/Change PIN Number: Click this button to enter a PIN (personal identification number) to protect the signature, or to change an already selected PIN.

a screencap of the New PIN UIa screencap of the Change PIN UI

Signature ID: The ID from the matching field above.

Old PIN Number: When changing the PIN, the original PIN must be entered here.

New PIN Number: Enter the PIN to use when locking the documents.

Confirm New PIN Number: Enter the PIN again to make sure it is correct.

Examples: see below

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